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Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
UNIT 08 - READING 1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
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UNIT 08 - READING 1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Have you ever worried about your grades or your health? Of course you have. These are things everyone worries about once in a while. However, there are some people who worry about things all the time, even when there isn't a problem. They suffer from a condition called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). People with GAD realize they are worrying unnecessarily, but they can't stop. GAD should not be confused with phobias. Phobias are illogical fears about specific things, such as snakes or elevators, while GAD is a general state of anxiety. For example, if people with GAD don't hear from a friend for a few days, they'll start to worry that they somehow made their friend angry. Even after their friend calls and reassures them that nothing is wrong, they will continue to worry. This is a key characteristic of GAD — the anxiety goes on and on. Along with constant worry, people with GAD often experience sleep deprivation, decreased concentration, and increased muscle tension. Unfortunately, there is no clear cause of this condition. It is believed to be due to a combination of genetics, brain chemistry, and childhood experiences. As with many other conditions, some people are genetically more likely to develop GAD than others. In terms of brain chemistry, it is a disruption in the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes feelings of fear and anxiety, that seems to lead to GAD. Children who experience traumatic events or whose parents are overly anxious are also more likely to develop GAD in adulthood. Medication and therapy are sometimes used to treat people suffering from GAD. There are, however, certain things they can do to reduce their anxiety themselves. These include exercising regularly, limiting the amount of caffeine they consume, and engaging in stress-reduction techniques such as meditation.
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1 Have you ever worried about your grades or your health? 2 Of course you have. 3 These are things everyone worries about once in a while. 4 However, there are some people who worry about things all the time, even when there isn't a problem. 5 They suffer from a condition called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). 6 People with GAD realize they are worrying unnecessarily, but they can't stop. 7 GAD should not be confused with phobias. 8 Phobias are illogical fears about specific things, such as snakes or elevators, while GAD is a general state of anxiety. 9 For example, if people with GAD don't hear from a friend for a few days, they'll start to worry that they somehow made their friend angry. 10 Even after their friend calls and reassures them that nothing is wrong, they will continue to worry. 11 This is a key characteristic of GAD — the anxiety goes on and on. 12 Along with constant worry, people with GAD often experience sleep deprivation, decreased concentration, and increased muscle tension. 13 Unfortunately, there is no clear cause of this condition. 14 It is believed to be due to a combination of genetics, brain chemistry, and childhood experiences. 15 As with many other conditions, some people are genetically more likely to develop GAD than others. 16 In terms of brain chemistry, it is a disruption in the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes feelings of fear and anxiety, that seems to lead to GAD. 17 Children who experience traumatic events or whose parents are overly anxious are also more likely to develop GAD in adulthood. 18 Medication and therapy are sometimes used to treat people suffering from GAD. 19 There are, however, certain things they can do to reduce their anxiety themselves. 20 These include exercising regularly, limiting the amount of caffeine they consume, and engaging in stress-reduction techniques such as meditation.