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지문 분석결과
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Survival of the Friendliest (Brian Hare, Vanessa Woods)
Survival of the Friendliest (Brian Hare, Vanessa Woods)
Survival of the Friendliest (Brian Hare, Vanessa Woods)
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
If we created anything, it was lots of garbage. Even today, hunter-gatherers dispose of food waste and urinate and def- ecate outside camp. As our population became more seden- tary, there would have been more tempting morsels for a hungry wolf to eat at night. Our waste would have been irre- sistible to any wolf who was calm and brave enough to approach our camps. These wolves would have been at a reproductive advantage and, scavenging together, more likely to breed together. The flow of genes between the friendly wolves and the fearful wolves would have subsided, and a new, friendlier species could have evolved even without intentional selection by humans. After only a few generations of selection for friendliness, this special population of wolves would have begun to look different. Coat color, ears, tails: All probably started to change. We would have become increasingly tolerant of these odd-looking scavenger wolves and would quickly have dis- covered that these protodogs had a unique capacity for read- ing our gestures. Wolves could understand and respond to the social ges- tures of other wolves, but they were too busy running away from humans to pay attention to our gestures. Once their fear of us was replaced with attraction, their social skills could be used to communicate with us in a new way. Animals who could respond to our gestures and voices would be extremely useful as hunting partners and guards. And, slowly, we would have allowed them to move from outside our camps to our firesides. We did not domesti- cate dogs. The friendliest wolves domesticated themselves. These friendly wolves became one of the most successful species on the planet. Their descendants now number in the tens of millions and live with us on every continent, while the few remaining wild wolf populations, sadly, live under con- stant threat of extinction.
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1 If we created anything, it was lots of garbage. 2 Even today, hunter-gatherers dispose of food waste and urinate and def- ecate outside camp. 3 As our population became more seden- tary, there would have been more tempting morsels for a hungry wolf to eat at night. 4 Our waste would have been irre- sistible to any wolf who was calm and brave enough to approach our camps. 5 These wolves would have been at a reproductive advantage and, scavenging together, more likely to breed together. 6 The flow of genes between the friendly wolves and the fearful wolves would have subsided, and a new, friendlier species could have evolved even without intentional selection by humans. 7 After only a few generations of selection for friendliness, this special population of wolves would have begun to look different. 8 Coat color, ears, tails: All probably started to change. 9 We would have become increasingly tolerant of these odd-looking scavenger wolves and would quickly have dis- covered that these protodogs had a unique capacity for read- ing our gestures. 10 Wolves could understand and respond to the social ges- tures of other wolves, but they were too busy running away from humans to pay attention to our gestures. 11 Once their fear of us was replaced with attraction, their social skills could be used to communicate with us in a new way. 12 Animals who could respond to our gestures and voices would be extremely useful as hunting partners and guards. 13 And, slowly, we would have allowed them to move from outside our camps to our firesides. 14 We did not domesti- cate dogs. 15 The friendliest wolves domesticated themselves. 16 These friendly wolves became one of the most successful species on the planet. 17 Their descendants now number in the tens of millions and live with us on every continent, while the few remaining wild wolf populations, sadly, live under con- stant threat of extinction.