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EBS 수능완성 영어(2025 수능대비) 실전편 2권
EBS 수능완성 영어(2025 수능대비) 실전편 2권
EBS 수능완성 영어(2025 수능대비) 실전편 2권
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I had the chance several years ago to meet Dick Enberg, the famous broadcaster. As he shared stories of athletes he'd met, I heard leadership messages woven into his stories. When asked who his favorite athlete was, he said with barely a pause, "Johnny Bench." The Hall of Fame baseball catcher of my Cincinnati Reds! Why Johnny Bench, among the many celebrities he could have named? Dick's admiration for the baseball great was shaped by his own personal journey and the sports environment he grew up in. Dick grew up in a household where basketball ruled. His dad was a very successful high school basketball coach, and Dick was dedicated to building himself into one of his dad's best players. However, despite the "inside help" from his dad, Dick never rose to greatness as a player. Playing basketball for his dad was not going to be a reality. Still, Dick loved basketball, and after working at a local radio station as a janitor, he got a chance to read some sports news, and even practice announcing a few high school games. As Dick applied his learning of hard work and discipline to his craft, he excelled and became the "voice of the Bruins" during the John Wooden UCLA Bruins basketball excellence in the 1960s. Always just a phone call away from his dad, he won the Emmy award for sports broadcasting against favorites Vin Scully (Dodgers) and Mel Allen (Yankees). As Dick walked to the stage to receive his Emmy, he could only think of his dad, who had passed away that week. Backstage, as he held his award, Johnny Bench approached him, aware of his mourning. "Now you know how it feels to hit a home run, to win the World Series, he told Dick, putting his arm around him. And that's why Johnny Bench was his favorite athlete: "He helped me truly redefine winning as being more than a box score, or numbers; it is the heart of winning that truly matters, and lives on, and creates real legacy."
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1 I had the chance several years ago to meet Dick Enberg, the famous broadcaster. 2 As he shared stories of athletes he'd met, I heard leadership messages woven into his stories. 3 When asked who his favorite athlete was, he said with barely a pause, "Johnny Bench." 4 The Hall of Fame baseball catcher of my Cincinnati Reds! 5 Why Johnny Bench, among the many celebrities he could have named? 6 Dick's admiration for the baseball great was shaped by his own personal journey and the sports environment he grew up in. 7 Dick grew up in a household where basketball ruled. 8 His dad was a very successful high school basketball coach, and Dick was dedicated to building himself into one of his dad's best players. 9 However, despite the "inside help" from his dad, Dick never rose to greatness as a player. 10 Playing basketball for his dad was not going to be a reality. 11 Still, Dick loved basketball, and after working at a local radio station as a janitor, he got a chance to read some sports news, and even practice announcing a few high school games. 12 As Dick applied his learning of hard work and discipline to his craft, he excelled and became the "voice of the Bruins" during the John Wooden UCLA Bruins basketball excellence in the 1960s. 13 Always just a phone call away from his dad, he won the Emmy award for sports broadcasting against favorites Vin Scully (Dodgers) and Mel Allen (Yankees). 14 As Dick walked to the stage to receive his Emmy, he could only think of his dad, who had passed away that week. 15 Backstage, as he held his award, Johnny Bench approached him, aware of his mourning. 16 "Now you know how it feels to hit a home run, to win the World Series, he told Dick, putting his arm around him. 17 And that's why Johnny Bench was his favorite athlete: "He helped me truly redefine winning as being more than a box score, or numbers; it is the heart of winning that truly matters, and lives on, and creates real legacy."