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지문 분석결과
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[2023년 10월] 모의고사 (고3)
[2023년 10월] 모의고사 (고3)
[2023년 10월] 모의고사 (고3)
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
In a peaceful town surrounded by rolling hills, there lived a kind-hearted young woman named Emily. She had a strong desire to make a difference in the world, yet often felt that her efforts were insignificant. One day, Emily crossed paths with Martha, an elderly lady known for her sour mood and tendency to keep to herself. Curiosity sparked within Emily, prompting her to initiate a conversation with Martha. Despite Martha's initial resistance, Emily persistently reached out to her, sharing stories and expressing genuine interest in her life. Through their conversations, Emily discovered that Martha had once been a famous painter. However, she had lost her passion for art due to personal hardships. Deeply moved by her sorrow, Emily resolved to help revive Martha's creative spirit. So, she organized an art exhibition in the town's community center. The event showcased the great works of many local artists, with a special surprise awaiting Martha. Emily had carefully prepared a section dedicated to Martha's paintings, hoping to unveil it to her and the community. The day of the exhibition arrived, and the townspeople eagerly gathered, excited to witness the artistic wonders of their community. Emily anxiously awaited Martha's arrival, wondering how Martha would react to the surprise she had planned. Martha finally entered the exhibition hall, and her eyes filled with tears as she stood in front of her own artworks. Martha slowly made her way through the section dedicated to her paintings, examining each piece with a mix of nostalgia and longing. The crowd watched in silence, their hearts touched by Martha's emotional response. As Martha reached the last painting, she turned to Emily with a bright smile, tears still shining in her eyes. "Emily, you've given me back a part of myself that I thought was lost forever," Martha whispered, her voice shaking with gratitude. "I had forgotten the joy that art once brought me, but you've reminded me of its power."
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1 In a peaceful town surrounded by rolling hills, there lived a kind-hearted young woman named Emily. 2 She had a strong desire to make a difference in the world, yet often felt that her efforts were insignificant. 3 One day, Emily crossed paths with Martha, an elderly lady known for her sour mood and tendency to keep to herself. 4 Curiosity sparked within Emily, prompting her to initiate a conversation with Martha. 5 Despite Martha's initial resistance, Emily persistently reached out to her, sharing stories and expressing genuine interest in her life. 6 Through their conversations, Emily discovered that Martha had once been a famous painter. 7 However, she had lost her passion for art due to personal hardships. 8 Deeply moved by her sorrow, Emily resolved to help revive Martha's creative spirit. 9 So, she organized an art exhibition in the town's community center. 10 The event showcased the great works of many local artists, with a special surprise awaiting Martha. 11 Emily had carefully prepared a section dedicated to Martha's paintings, hoping to unveil it to her and the community. 12 The day of the exhibition arrived, and the townspeople eagerly gathered, excited to witness the artistic wonders of their community. 13 Emily anxiously awaited Martha's arrival, wondering how Martha would react to the surprise she had planned. 14 Martha finally entered the exhibition hall, and her eyes filled with tears as she stood in front of her own artworks. 15 Martha slowly made her way through the section dedicated to her paintings, examining each piece with a mix of nostalgia and longing. 16 The crowd watched in silence, their hearts touched by Martha's emotional response. 17 As Martha reached the last painting, she turned to Emily with a bright smile, tears still shining in her eyes. 18 "Emily, you've given me back a part of myself that I thought was lost forever," Martha whispered, her voice shaking with gratitude. 19 "I had forgotten the joy that art once brought me, but you've reminded me of its power."