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[2023년 10월] 모의고사 (고3)
[2023년 10월] 모의고사 (고3)
[2023년 10월] 모의고사 (고3)
문장 선택
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The domination of nature is a familiar trope in environmental ethics and environmental political theory. Its history is tied more broadly to the rise of modern science, philosophy, and politics. The effort to understand the causal relations that govern the physical world so as to intervene in these relations in ways that could, as Francis Bacon put it, "ameliorate the human condition," marked the beginning of modernity in the West. For a long time, the "domination of nature" referred to this effort to understand and control the nonhuman environment, and it was seen as a clearly good thing. This effort made possible new technologies and rising economic prosperity, promised an end to many forms of human suffering, and demonstrated the triumph of reason over ignorance and superstition. Its costs began to be visible with industrialization in the nineteenth century, which generated obvious environmental damage and caused among many people a sense of alienation from the land and the more-than-human communities composing it. One sees a growing unease about these costs in novels of the era such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), in poems like Wordsworth's "Michael" (1800) and later Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1855), and in the early nature writing of Thoreau's Walden (1854). Yet systematic, critical analysis of the domination of nature as a problem came into its own only with the environmental studies movement in the 1970s. Since then, the trope has come to have a broadly negative meaning, with the domination of nature being viewed as harmful and illegitimate, as well as dangerous to human interests.
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1 The domination of nature is a familiar trope in environmental ethics and environmental political theory. 2 Its history is tied more broadly to the rise of modern science, philosophy, and politics. 3 The effort to understand the causal relations that govern the physical world so as to intervene in these relations in ways that could, as Francis Bacon put it, "ameliorate the human condition," marked the beginning of modernity in the West. 4 For a long time, the "domination of nature" referred to this effort to understand and control the nonhuman environment, and it was seen as a clearly good thing. 5 This effort made possible new technologies and rising economic prosperity, promised an end to many forms of human suffering, and demonstrated the triumph of reason over ignorance and superstition. 6 Its costs began to be visible with industrialization in the nineteenth century, which generated obvious environmental damage and caused among many people a sense of alienation from the land and the more-than-human communities composing it. 7 One sees a growing unease about these costs in novels of the era such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), in poems like Wordsworth's "Michael" (1800) and later Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1855), and in the early nature writing of Thoreau's Walden (1854). 8 Yet systematic, critical analysis of the domination of nature as a problem came into its own only with the environmental studies movement in the 1970s. 9 Since then, the trope has come to have a broadly negative meaning, with the domination of nature being viewed as harmful and illegitimate, as well as dangerous to human interests.