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지문 분석결과
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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Even highly trained analysts are seeing their work restricted by decision-support systems that turn the making of judgments into a data-processing routine. Is it any wonder we love automation? Relativity is how we judge our sense of achievement. The reason that the silver medallists are not happy is because they are comparing themselves to the winners. To even reach the Olympic Games should be considered an extraordinary achievement, and yet analysis has revealed that Olympians can sometimes experience disappointment even when they win a silver medal. One of the most surprising examples of this comes from an analysis of emotional reactions to winning Olympic medals. In theworkplace automations focus on enhancing speed and efficiency a focus determined by the profit motive rather than by any particular concern for peoples wellbeing often has the effect of removing complexity from jobs diminishing the challenge they present and hence the engagement they promote. Automation can narrow people's responsibilities to the point that their jobs consist largely of monitoring a computer screen or entering data into prescribed fields. It explains why people would prefer to earn just $50000 if their colleagues earned $25000 rather than earn $100000 if colleagues earned $250000. Relativity, as noted by the economist Robert H. Frank, is one of the fundamental principles in human economic behaviour. The assistants were far more likely than the general public to think the gym-clothes wearing shopper would spend more and be in a position to buy the most expensive items in the boutique. In one study, she asked the shop assistants working in high-end designer stores to rate two shoppers, one in gym clothes and the other in a dress and fur. By taking over difficult or time-consuming tasks, the software makes it even less likely that we'll engage in efforts that test our skills and give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This style has been undoubtedly influenced by a social media company executive with his famous hoodie and casual wear. It has become almost a point of honour in Silicon Valley not to wear expensive clothes or suits, bur rather jeans and trainers, which signals that you are more interested in tech than status. Luxury ownership signals wealth, but ironically it is often the very wealthy who prefer to look cheap. All too often, automation frees us from what makes us feel free. The apps and other programs we use in our private lives have similar effects. By offering to reduce the amount of work we have to do, by promising to fill our lives with greater ease, comfort, and convenience, computers and other labor-saving technologies appeal to our eager but misguided desire for release from what we perceive as toil. It is better to be a big fish in a small pond than a big fish in a bigger pond. In contrast, the bronze medallists compare themselves to all the other competitors who did not get a medal, so they perceive themselves better off and happier. We would prefer to have less so long as it is more than everyone else. In his book Choosing the Right Pond, he makes the point that our economic decisions are guided by status, which is really a relativity issue. They had learned from experience how the rich often countersignal. Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, has shown that countersignalling by wearing atypical clothing leads to higher regard in the right context. Countersignalling is when you go out of your way to show that you do not need to go out of your way. We measure our success relative to others.
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Even highly trained analysts are seeing their work restricted by decision-support systems that turn the making of judgments into a data-processing routine. 2 Is it any wonder we love automation? 3 Relativity is how we judge our sense of achievement. 4 The reason that the silver medallists are not happy is because they are comparing themselves to the winners. 5 To even reach the Olympic Games should be considered an extraordinary achievement, and yet analysis has revealed that Olympians can sometimes experience disappointment even when they win a silver medal. 6 One of the most surprising examples of this comes from an analysis of emotional reactions to winning Olympic medals. 7 In theworkplace automations focus on enhancing speed and efficiency a focus determined by the profit motive rather than by any particular concern for peoples wellbeing often has the effect of removing complexity from jobs diminishing the challenge they present and hence the engagement they promote. 8 Automation can narrow people's responsibilities to the point that their jobs consist largely of monitoring a computer screen or entering data into prescribed fields. 9 It explains why people would prefer to earn just $50000 if their colleagues earned $25000 rather than earn $100000 if colleagues earned $250000. 10 Relativity, as noted by the economist Robert H. Frank, is one of the fundamental principles in human economic behaviour. 11 The assistants were far more likely than the general public to think the gym-clothes wearing shopper would spend more and be in a position to buy the most expensive items in the boutique. 12 In one study, she asked the shop assistants working in high-end designer stores to rate two shoppers, one in gym clothes and the other in a dress and fur. 13 By taking over difficult or time-consuming tasks, the software makes it even less likely that we'll engage in efforts that test our skills and give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. 14 This style has been undoubtedly influenced by a social media company executive with his famous hoodie and casual wear. 15 It has become almost a point of honour in Silicon Valley not to wear expensive clothes or suits, bur rather jeans and trainers, which signals that you are more interested in tech than status. 16 Luxury ownership signals wealth, but ironically it is often the very wealthy who prefer to look cheap. 17 All too often, automation frees us from what makes us feel free. 18 The apps and other programs we use in our private lives have similar effects. 19 By offering to reduce the amount of work we have to do, by promising to fill our lives with greater ease, comfort, and convenience, computers and other labor-saving technologies appeal to our eager but misguided desire for release from what we perceive as toil. 20 It is better to be a big fish in a small pond than a big fish in a bigger pond. 21 In contrast, the bronze medallists compare themselves to all the other competitors who did not get a medal, so they perceive themselves better off and happier. 22 We would prefer to have less so long as it is more than everyone else. 23 In his book Choosing the Right Pond, he makes the point that our economic decisions are guided by status, which is really a relativity issue. 24 They had learned from experience how the rich often countersignal. 25 Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, has shown that countersignalling by wearing atypical clothing leads to higher regard in the right context. 26 Countersignalling is when you go out of your way to show that you do not need to go out of your way. 27 We measure our success relative to others.