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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Having expropriated resources from the natural worid in order to fuel a rather temporary period of materialistic freedom, we must now restore no small measure of those resources and accept the limits and discipline inherent in that relationship. Until business does this, it will continue to be maladaptive and predatory. Over because it failed in one critical and thoughtless way: it did not honour the various forms of life that secure and connect its own breath and skin and heart to the breath and skin and heart of our earth. Whatever possibilities business once represented, whatever dreams and glories corporate success once offered, the time has come to acknowledge that business as we know it is over. The philosopher as athlete of the mind that is Nietzsche's great insight into the debates we see in Plato's dialogues between Socrates and all the pretenders to wisdom in Athens he questions, shames, and defeats in argument. Thus to understand ancient Greek philosophy, it helps to look at the Olympics, and to understand the Olympics, it helps to look at ancient Greek philosophy. The Greek dream is to be the best, to be the first, to be the last man standing. Socrates is literally the last man standing at the end of the all-night drinking contest in the symposium. In Nietzsche's understanding, Plato's dialogues are the Olympics of philosophy. In order for free-market capitalism to transform itself in the century to come, it must fully acknowledge that the brilliant monuments of its triumph cast the darkest of shadows. Wherever we turn in the Hellenic world, we see Greek pitted against Greek in the kind of competition epitomized by the Olympics. The same competitive spirit that reveals itself on the race course and in the boxing arena comes out in Plato's dialogues. Socrates using his mental strength and agility to triumph over his opponents is the distant descendant of the very physical heroes of Homer's Iliad.
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학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 Having expropriated resources from the natural worid in order to fuel a rather temporary period of materialistic freedom, we must now restore no small measure of those resources and accept the limits and discipline inherent in that relationship. 2 Until business does this, it will continue to be maladaptive and predatory. 3 Over because it failed in one critical and thoughtless way: it did not honour the various forms of life that secure and connect its own breath and skin and heart to the breath and skin and heart of our earth. 4 Whatever possibilities business once represented, whatever dreams and glories corporate success once offered, the time has come to acknowledge that business as we know it is over. 5 The philosopher as athlete of the mind that is Nietzsche's great insight into the debates we see in Plato's dialogues between Socrates and all the pretenders to wisdom in Athens he questions, shames, and defeats in argument. 6 Thus to understand ancient Greek philosophy, it helps to look at the Olympics, and to understand the Olympics, it helps to look at ancient Greek philosophy. 7 The Greek dream is to be the best, to be the first, to be the last man standing. 8 Socrates is literally the last man standing at the end of the all-night drinking contest in the symposium. 9 In Nietzsche's understanding, Plato's dialogues are the Olympics of philosophy. 10 In order for free-market capitalism to transform itself in the century to come, it must fully acknowledge that the brilliant monuments of its triumph cast the darkest of shadows. 11 Wherever we turn in the Hellenic world, we see Greek pitted against Greek in the kind of competition epitomized by the Olympics. 12 The same competitive spirit that reveals itself on the race course and in the boxing arena comes out in Plato's dialogues. 13 Socrates using his mental strength and agility to triumph over his opponents is the distant descendant of the very physical heroes of Homer's Iliad.