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지문 분석결과
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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
On a camping trip my friends I were filling our water bottles at a stream. When engineers keep in mind the values and politics that are promoted (or weakened) by their creations, they are more likely to have the effects they intend. Engineers are experts because they have the ability to design products that take into account and mesh with a complex world of people, relationships, institutions, and artifacts. Engineering expertise is not simply in "the technical" but in integrating the "technical" with many other kinds of knowledge. Successful engineering requires an understanding of the existing artifactual and social world in which devices and machines will have to fit. While engineering expertise traditionally has been focused on the so-called technical aspects of their work, a focus on sociotechnical systems suggests that engineering undertakings involve much more than statistics, measurements, and equations. When the work of engineers is understood to be part of a sociotechnical system, the traditional notion of engineering expertise is somewhat disrupted. Similarly, when we see the uncontrollable nature of attachment and its outcomes in our lives, we remain friendly and kind to others, but don't let our mind get hopelessly caught in the current of clinging. This is exactly what happens with excessive attachment to family: we are helplessly carried away by the force of attachment and are battered on the rocks as the water tosses us downstream. However, the water was up to the middle of our thighs, and we could have easily been thrown by the force of the water currents and been severely injured. At some point we all find ourselves suffering the consequences of a bad situation that we have put ourselves in. One athlete may view a stadium full of people as "a great opportunity to show this crowd what I can do," while another may worry about "how embarrassed I'll be messing up in front of this crowd." When appraisal is positive, we view a tough opponent as a challenge, which enhances performance, but negative appraisals prompt us to view difficult situations as threats, which hurts performance. Thus, perceptions not competitive demands themselves determine the amount and nature of stress we experience. The premise of self-talk is that beliefs determine the impact of a competitive situation more than the situation itself does; our thoughts are more responsible for our actions than are the situations we practice and compete in. Stress is a substantial imbalance between what we believe is demanded of us (competitive demand) and what we perceive our capabilities to be for meeting those demands (personal control), for situation in which success is important. Most coaches and athletes have a basic idea of what stress is, but they may not fully understand its complicated aspects. Every crisis has a fallout period, and the only way to recover from a crisis is to be mindful of the work that it is going to take to make that happen. But you've heard the expression "Haste makes waste"? It's the same stadium full of people, but different reactions can lead to either flow or choking. We kept losing the bottles due to the powerful force of the water in the stream. If we are wise, we will see the danger and won't put ourselves in that situation. If our actions negatively affected other people, they might not be prepared to move on as quickly as we are. We usually want to rush and leave the difficulties that we've experienced in life behind us as quickly as possible, but that can make matters worse and lead to bigger problems. Engineering knowledge must fit together with other forms of knowledge. While we wish that we could simply erase it from our record, we, of course, can't do that. One person wanted to go in the water and walk across the stream. Many of us wrongly choose to quickly sweep it under the rug in an impatient attempt to move on.
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 On a camping trip my friends I were filling our water bottles at a stream. 2 When engineers keep in mind the values and politics that are promoted (or weakened) by their creations, they are more likely to have the effects they intend. 3 Engineers are experts because they have the ability to design products that take into account and mesh with a complex world of people, relationships, institutions, and artifacts. 4 Engineering expertise is not simply in "the technical" but in integrating the "technical" with many other kinds of knowledge. 5 Successful engineering requires an understanding of the existing artifactual and social world in which devices and machines will have to fit. 6 While engineering expertise traditionally has been focused on the so-called technical aspects of their work, a focus on sociotechnical systems suggests that engineering undertakings involve much more than statistics, measurements, and equations. 7 When the work of engineers is understood to be part of a sociotechnical system, the traditional notion of engineering expertise is somewhat disrupted. 8 Similarly, when we see the uncontrollable nature of attachment and its outcomes in our lives, we remain friendly and kind to others, but don't let our mind get hopelessly caught in the current of clinging. 9 This is exactly what happens with excessive attachment to family: we are helplessly carried away by the force of attachment and are battered on the rocks as the water tosses us downstream. 10 However, the water was up to the middle of our thighs, and we could have easily been thrown by the force of the water currents and been severely injured. 11 At some point we all find ourselves suffering the consequences of a bad situation that we have put ourselves in. 12 One athlete may view a stadium full of people as "a great opportunity to show this crowd what I can do," while another may worry about "how embarrassed I'll be messing up in front of this crowd." 13 When appraisal is positive, we view a tough opponent as a challenge, which enhances performance, but negative appraisals prompt us to view difficult situations as threats, which hurts performance. 14 Thus, perceptions not competitive demands themselves determine the amount and nature of stress we experience. 15 The premise of self-talk is that beliefs determine the impact of a competitive situation more than the situation itself does; our thoughts are more responsible for our actions than are the situations we practice and compete in. 16 Stress is a substantial imbalance between what we believe is demanded of us (competitive demand) and what we perceive our capabilities to be for meeting those demands (personal control), for situation in which success is important. 17 Most coaches and athletes have a basic idea of what stress is, but they may not fully understand its complicated aspects. 18 Every crisis has a fallout period, and the only way to recover from a crisis is to be mindful of the work that it is going to take to make that happen. 19 But you've heard the expression "Haste makes waste"? 20 It's the same stadium full of people, but different reactions can lead to either flow or choking. 21 We kept losing the bottles due to the powerful force of the water in the stream. 22 If we are wise, we will see the danger and won't put ourselves in that situation. 23 If our actions negatively affected other people, they might not be prepared to move on as quickly as we are. 24 We usually want to rush and leave the difficulties that we've experienced in life behind us as quickly as possible, but that can make matters worse and lead to bigger problems. 25 Engineering knowledge must fit together with other forms of knowledge. 26 While we wish that we could simply erase it from our record, we, of course, can't do that. 27 One person wanted to go in the water and walk across the stream. 28 Many of us wrongly choose to quickly sweep it under the rug in an impatient attempt to move on.