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Have you ever thought about being an astronaut?
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Have you ever thought about being an astronaut?
Have you ever thought about being an astronaut? You're ou've probably seen pictures of astronauts in space. They are floating around and enjoying the feeling of weightlessness. But is living in space all fun and games? What is an astronaut's usual day like? Actually, on the International Space Station there aren't any "days." The station speeds around Earth so quickly that the sun rises 15 times every 24 hours. However, astronauts must work and sleep on the natural 24-hour biological clock, or they would soon suffer from non-stop *jet lag. So the astronauts use an alarm clock to wake them up at the right time. After waking up, it is time to get clean. Instead of taking a shower, however, astronauts give themselves a sponge bath. This is because, without gravity to pull it down, water clings to the body. It also conserves water, which is in limited supply on the station. The astronauts then get dressed and sit down for breakfast. Space food is usually kept in plastic bags and drunk with straws. Otherwise, it will float around. Sometimes, the astronauts eat regular food, but it is fixed to the dish with straps, and the dishes, knives, and forks have magnets attached. The astronauts have plenty of scientific work to keep them busy through the day, but they must also exercise. Human muscle and bone weaken in space, so there is an exercise bike to keep the astronauts fit. And what else must they do every day? Yes, what about the toilet? In space, toilets don't use water. A strong bar holds the astronauts onto the seat, and a fan empties the toilet like a vacuum cleaner. At the end of their day, the astronauts are ready to fix their sleeping bags to a wall and get some sleep. Or they can find a window and enjoy the most popular pastime in space-watching the world go by hundreds of kilometers below. Jet lag- tiredness you feel after taking a long flight because of the time difference.
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상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Have you ever thought about being an astronaut? 2 You're ou've probably seen pictures of astronauts in space. 3 They are floating around and enjoying the feeling of weightlessness. 4 But is living in space all fun and games? 5 What is an astronaut's usual day like? 6 Actually, on the International Space Station there aren't any "days." 7 The station speeds around Earth so quickly that the sun rises 15 times every 24 hours. 8 However, astronauts must work and sleep on the natural 24-hour biological clock, or they would soon suffer from non-stop *jet lag. 9 So the astronauts use an alarm clock to wake them up at the right time. 10 After waking up, it is time to get clean. 11 Instead of taking a shower, however, astronauts give themselves a sponge bath. 12 This is because, without gravity to pull it down, water clings to the body. 13 It also conserves water, which is in limited supply on the station. 14 The astronauts then get dressed and sit down for breakfast. 15 Space food is usually kept in plastic bags and drunk with straws. 16 Otherwise, it will float around. 17 Sometimes, the astronauts eat regular food, but it is fixed to the dish with straps, and the dishes, knives, and forks have magnets attached. 18 The astronauts have plenty of scientific work to keep them busy through the day, but they must also exercise. 19 Human muscle and bone weaken in space, so there is an exercise bike to keep the astronauts fit. 20 And what else must they do every day? 21 Yes, what about the toilet? 22 In space, toilets don't use water. 23 A strong bar holds the astronauts onto the seat, and a fan empties the toilet like a vacuum cleaner. 24 At the end of their day, the astronauts are ready to fix their sleeping bags to a wall and get some sleep. 25 Or they can find a window and enjoy the most popular pastime in space-watching the world go by hundreds of kilometers below. 26 Jet lag- tiredness you feel after taking a long flight because of the time difference.