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지문 분석결과
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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
communication disorders communication disorders
communication disorders
communication disorders
laryngeal trauma/ surgical reconstruction/laryngeal web
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
laryngeal trauma/ surgical reconstruction/laryngeal web
Seen more frequently in children than in adults, laryngeal trauma refers to many kinds of injury to the larynx. The most frequent causes of laryngeal trauma include automobile, snowmobile, and motorcycle accidents. Attempted strangulations and bullet wounds also damage the larynx. Young children may suffer trauma by swallowing small toys, pins, glass pieces, eggshells, and other sharp objects. A variety of sports-related accidents can fracture the laryngeal cartilages, crush the larynx, and damage the nerve supply. Patients who suffer laryngeal trauma undergo immediate surgery in which the laryngeal mechanism is reconstructed. Some patients may recover their voice following successful surgery. In other cases, voice therapy may be needed after the patient recovers from surgery. The kind of voice therapy offered depends on the individual patient, the nature of the trauma, and the type of voice problem. The extent of success depends on the proficiency of the remaining or surgically reconstructed laryngeal mechanism. The vocal folds are normally covered with a thin membrane. Sometimes, this membrane grows across and closes some or most of the opening between the folds. Such a membranous growth across the folds is called a laryngeal web. A laryngeal web may be observed soon after birth, in which case it is described as congenital. The web can develop when the edges of folds are traumatized either by accidental injury or by surgery. The treatment is the surgical removal of the web. After the surgery, most people need voice therapy.
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1 Seen more frequently in children than in adults, laryngeal trauma refers to many kinds of injury to the larynx. 2 The most frequent causes of laryngeal trauma include automobile, snowmobile, and motorcycle accidents. 3 Attempted strangulations and bullet wounds also damage the larynx. 4 Young children may suffer trauma by swallowing small toys, pins, glass pieces, eggshells, and other sharp objects. 5 A variety of sports-related accidents can fracture the laryngeal cartilages, crush the larynx, and damage the nerve supply. 6 Patients who suffer laryngeal trauma undergo immediate surgery in which the laryngeal mechanism is reconstructed. 7 Some patients may recover their voice following successful surgery. 8 In other cases, voice therapy may be needed after the patient recovers from surgery. 9 The kind of voice therapy offered depends on the individual patient, the nature of the trauma, and the type of voice problem. 10 The extent of success depends on the proficiency of the remaining or surgically reconstructed laryngeal mechanism. 11 The vocal folds are normally covered with a thin membrane. 12 Sometimes, this membrane grows across and closes some or most of the opening between the folds. 13 Such a membranous growth across the folds is called a laryngeal web. 14 A laryngeal web may be observed soon after birth, in which case it is described as congenital. 15 The web can develop when the edges of folds are traumatized either by accidental injury or by surgery. 16 The treatment is the surgical removal of the web. 17 After the surgery, most people need voice therapy.