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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
communication disorders communication disorders
communication disorders
communication disorders
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Polyps, like nodules, are masses that grow and bulge out from the surrounding tissue. The two types of growths tend to occur at the same site on the vocal folds which are the junction of the anterior and middle-third portion of the folds. However, polyps are softer than nodules and may be filled with fluid or have vascular tissue. Polyps tend to be unilateral as opposed to the typically bilateral nodules. It is believed that traumatic use of the vocal folds results in submucosal hemorrhage, which leads to the formation of tumor-like polyps. Unless the vocally abusive behavior is checked, the polyps usually get bigger. Polyps can be found in other parts of the body, including the nose, respiratory tract, and digestive tract. Polyps are more frequently seen in adults than in children, who are more susceptible to developing nodules. A polyp may develop even after a single episode of screaming and yelling, whereas the development of nodules requires prolonged vocally abusive behaviors. Adults who scream at sports events, coaches who yell at the players, and people who supervise noisy children are especially vulnerable to developing polyps. The effects of polyps on phonation are similar to those of nodules. Breathiness and hoarseness are heard more frequently. In addition, the voice might sound diplophonic because the fold with the polyp may not vibrate at the same rate as the healthy fold. Polyps are usually removed by surgery. However, voice therapy also is necessary in most cases. The clinician must first identify the vocally abusive behaviors that are responsible for the polyps and voice problem. Next, the clinician must help the client change those abusive behavioral patterns.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Polyps, like nodules, are masses that grow and bulge out from the surrounding tissue. 2 The two types of growths tend to occur at the same site on the vocal folds which are the junction of the anterior and middle-third portion of the folds. 3 However, polyps are softer than nodules and may be filled with fluid or have vascular tissue. 4 Polyps tend to be unilateral as opposed to the typically bilateral nodules. 5 It is believed that traumatic use of the vocal folds results in submucosal hemorrhage, which leads to the formation of tumor-like polyps. 6 Unless the vocally abusive behavior is checked, the polyps usually get bigger. 7 Polyps can be found in other parts of the body, including the nose, respiratory tract, and digestive tract. 8 Polyps are more frequently seen in adults than in children, who are more susceptible to developing nodules. 9 A polyp may develop even after a single episode of screaming and yelling, whereas the development of nodules requires prolonged vocally abusive behaviors. 10 Adults who scream at sports events, coaches who yell at the players, and people who supervise noisy children are especially vulnerable to developing polyps. 11 The effects of polyps on phonation are similar to those of nodules. 12 Breathiness and hoarseness are heard more frequently. 13 In addition, the voice might sound diplophonic because the fold with the polyp may not vibrate at the same rate as the healthy fold. 14 Polyps are usually removed by surgery. 15 However, voice therapy also is necessary in most cases. 16 The clinician must first identify the vocally abusive behaviors that are responsible for the polyps and voice problem. 17 Next, the clinician must help the client change those abusive behavioral patterns.