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fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
communication disorders communication disorders
communication disorders
communication disorders
abusive 2
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
abusive 2
We automatically increase our vocal intensity when we speak in noisy environments. If a person works in a noisy place, the chances are that habitually loud speech is established. As described earlier, louder voice requires increased sub-glottal pressure and muscular effort to blow the vocal folds apart. Such a level of muscular effort may cause nodules. Noise is a part of many environments in which people work. For example, most bars and ballrooms are noisy. People who work in such environments tend to talk louder and at a higher pitch. Workers who operate noisy machines tend to speak with higher loudness and pitch. Professional gardeners who use power blowers and lawn mowers, and people working in various factories and construction sites, among others, are vulnerable to increased voice loudness and pitch, resulting in vocal stress and pathological conditions. Prolonged exposure to excessive noise poses the risk of hearing impairment as well. Chronic coughing and throat clearing, along with explosive vocalizations and abrupt voice initiations, traumatize the vocal folds. Excessive laughing and crying also may induce changes in the vocal folds. All these behaviors require vigorous and abrupt changes in the larynx from a resting position. Laryngeal tumors and vocal nodules may develop in people who initiate voice abruptly and cough incessantly. The specific type of voice disorder that results from vocal abuse depends on the kinds of structural pathologies induced by those behaviors. Generally speaking, hoarseness of voice is more frequently associated with abusive vocal behaviors. Many of the structural changes associated with voice disorders are due to vocally abusive behaviors.
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1 We automatically increase our vocal intensity when we speak in noisy environments. 2 If a person works in a noisy place, the chances are that habitually loud speech is established. 3 As described earlier, louder voice requires increased sub-glottal pressure and muscular effort to blow the vocal folds apart. 4 Such a level of muscular effort may cause nodules. 5 Noise is a part of many environments in which people work. 6 For example, most bars and ballrooms are noisy. 7 People who work in such environments tend to talk louder and at a higher pitch. 8 Workers who operate noisy machines tend to speak with higher loudness and pitch. 9 Professional gardeners who use power blowers and lawn mowers, and people working in various factories and construction sites, among others, are vulnerable to increased voice loudness and pitch, resulting in vocal stress and pathological conditions. 10 Prolonged exposure to excessive noise poses the risk of hearing impairment as well. 11 Chronic coughing and throat clearing, along with explosive vocalizations and abrupt voice initiations, traumatize the vocal folds. 12 Excessive laughing and crying also may induce changes in the vocal folds. 13 All these behaviors require vigorous and abrupt changes in the larynx from a resting position. 14 Laryngeal tumors and vocal nodules may develop in people who initiate voice abruptly and cough incessantly. 15 The specific type of voice disorder that results from vocal abuse depends on the kinds of structural pathologies induced by those behaviors. 16 Generally speaking, hoarseness of voice is more frequently associated with abusive vocal behaviors. 17 Many of the structural changes associated with voice disorders are due to vocally abusive behaviors.