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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
communication disorders communication disorders
communication disorders
communication disorders
abusive 1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
abusive 1
A common cause of voice disorders is a pattern of vocally abusive behaviors that induce organic changes in the larynx. The sophisticated mechanism works well when used properly, but it is extremely sensitive to abusive practices. Such practices often cause a variety of voice problems. People abuse their voice in several ways. Talkative children learn to abuse the vocal mechanisms early in childhood. Such children continue to engage in unhealthy vocal behaviors into adolescence and perhaps adulthood. Abusive behaviors include excessive shouting, screaming, cheering, talking, coughing, and throat clearing. Strained and explosive vocalizations and abrupt initiation of sounds also are abusive. Finally, talking with inappropriate loudness or pitch is abusive as well. Many vocally abusive behaviors cause physical damage to the vocal folds and create physical pathologies. The voice problems that result from vocally abusive behaviors are due to such physical damage or tissue changes in the larynx. The majority of the vocally abusive behaviors are associated with excessive muscular effort, tension, and irritation of the folds. For example, shouting, screaming, and cheering require excessive laryngeal effort and tension. Many high school cheerleaders have chronic hoarseness of voice because of vocal fold tension and irritation. Continued tension and irritation of the folds begin to change the structure of the folds. Vocal nodules and injury to vocal muscles and the joints can appear. Apparently, a cheerleader's programmed, rehearsed, and excessively overt expression of enthusiasm is perilous to vocal folds. To talk is to communicate, but excessive talk may be both non-communicative and dangerous to the health of the vocal folds. Prolonged and excessive talking often causes vocal nodules. The risk of induing pathological conditions is even greater when continuous and excessive speech also is loud and is inappropriate pitch. Like excessive talking, excessive singing, especially at an usually high pitch, also can induce vocal pathological states and voice disorders. Noise in speaking environments prompts unusually loud voice.
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상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 A common cause of voice disorders is a pattern of vocally abusive behaviors that induce organic changes in the larynx. 2 The sophisticated mechanism works well when used properly, but it is extremely sensitive to abusive practices. 3 Such practices often cause a variety of voice problems. 4 People abuse their voice in several ways. 5 Talkative children learn to abuse the vocal mechanisms early in childhood. 6 Such children continue to engage in unhealthy vocal behaviors into adolescence and perhaps adulthood. 7 Abusive behaviors include excessive shouting, screaming, cheering, talking, coughing, and throat clearing. 8 Strained and explosive vocalizations and abrupt initiation of sounds also are abusive. 9 Finally, talking with inappropriate loudness or pitch is abusive as well. 10 Many vocally abusive behaviors cause physical damage to the vocal folds and create physical pathologies. 11 The voice problems that result from vocally abusive behaviors are due to such physical damage or tissue changes in the larynx. 12 The majority of the vocally abusive behaviors are associated with excessive muscular effort, tension, and irritation of the folds. 13 For example, shouting, screaming, and cheering require excessive laryngeal effort and tension. 14 Many high school cheerleaders have chronic hoarseness of voice because of vocal fold tension and irritation. 15 Continued tension and irritation of the folds begin to change the structure of the folds. 16 Vocal nodules and injury to vocal muscles and the joints can appear. 17 Apparently, a cheerleader's programmed, rehearsed, and excessively overt expression of enthusiasm is perilous to vocal folds. 18 To talk is to communicate, but excessive talk may be both non-communicative and dangerous to the health of the vocal folds. 19 Prolonged and excessive talking often causes vocal nodules. 20 The risk of induing pathological conditions is even greater when continuous and excessive speech also is loud and is inappropriate pitch. 21 Like excessive talking, excessive singing, especially at an usually high pitch, also can induce vocal pathological states and voice disorders. 22 Noise in speaking environments prompts unusually loud voice.