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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
communication disorders communication disorders
communication disorders
communication disorders
spasmodic + common cause
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
spasmodic + common cause
The immobility of one of the folds prevents tight closure of the folds. The resulting voice, therefore, is somewhat breathy because of a lack of full closure of the folds. Unfortunately, even this surgical procedure may not be entirely successful. In some cases, the severed recurrent laryngeal nerve may regenerate, accompanied by the reemergence of spasmodic dysphonia. In other cases, the disorder may return even if one of the vocal folds remains paralyzed. A program of modifying the patient's vocal behavior is probably needed for all patients, including those who have undergone the laryngeal nerve operation. Spasmodic dysphonia in its early stage is most successfully treated by such techniques as learning relaxation training, reducing or eliminating abusive behaviors, performing breathing exercises, decreasing the vocal loudness, and changing the pitch. Dysphonias may have organic, neurological, or behavioral causes. In other words, a form of dysphonia may be physical or functional. A variety of physical conditions, including hearing loss, nervous system diseases, trauma to the larynx, infectious and other diseases of the larynx, and endocrine changes, can cause voice disorders. A pattern of vocal behaviors that speakers exhibit also can cause laryngeal pathology, resulting in voice disorders. Very few voice disorders are strictly functional. As already noted, social reinforcement is a potential cause of functional aphonia. Some cultural factors or personal history may account for a few remaining functional voice disorders.
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상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 The immobility of one of the folds prevents tight closure of the folds. 2 The resulting voice, therefore, is somewhat breathy because of a lack of full closure of the folds. 3 Unfortunately, even this surgical procedure may not be entirely successful. 4 In some cases, the severed recurrent laryngeal nerve may regenerate, accompanied by the reemergence of spasmodic dysphonia. 5 In other cases, the disorder may return even if one of the vocal folds remains paralyzed. 6 A program of modifying the patient's vocal behavior is probably needed for all patients, including those who have undergone the laryngeal nerve operation. 7 Spasmodic dysphonia in its early stage is most successfully treated by such techniques as learning relaxation training, reducing or eliminating abusive behaviors, performing breathing exercises, decreasing the vocal loudness, and changing the pitch. 8 Dysphonias may have organic, neurological, or behavioral causes. 9 In other words, a form of dysphonia may be physical or functional. 10 A variety of physical conditions, including hearing loss, nervous system diseases, trauma to the larynx, infectious and other diseases of the larynx, and endocrine changes, can cause voice disorders. 11 A pattern of vocal behaviors that speakers exhibit also can cause laryngeal pathology, resulting in voice disorders. 12 Very few voice disorders are strictly functional. 13 As already noted, social reinforcement is a potential cause of functional aphonia. 14 Some cultural factors or personal history may account for a few remaining functional voice disorders.