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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
The source of every new idea is the same. Iron's nature, for example, is most fully understood if we kow how it benaves when it is hot. Sometimes a creative problem is so difficult that it requires people to connect their imagination together. But sometimes a single network is not enough. The correct environment for a salmon when cooking one is perhaps a heated oven. 1.Instead it is a chance for those talents to exceed themselves, to produce something greater than anyone thought possible. According to phlasopher Radcliffe Richards, it is incoherent to think that something's real nature is revealed when it is in its correct environment. They would later find it difficult to remember the order. There is a network of neurons in the brain. Cold, smashed, left in water and so on. The correct enviroument for its spawning is something else again. First of all, the whole notion of a 'correct environment' is problematic. 2.when the right people come together ans when they collaborate in the right way, what happens can often feel like magic. Sometimes a creative problem is so difficult that it requires people to connect their imagination together; the answer arrives only if we collaborate. That's because a group is not just a collection of individual talent. Isn't the notion of what is correct relative to various concerns? But more importantly, to know something" s nature is to kow how it is in a variety of envionments. Then the network shifts All of a sudden. Knowing how iron behaves when left in condtions optimal to its continued, unchanged existence only gives a partial view of its nature. Eiectricity flows in an unfamiliar pattern. A shiver of current across a circuit board of cells, but sometimes a single network is not enough.
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1 The source of every new idea is the same. 2 Iron's nature, for example, is most fully understood if we kow how it benaves when it is hot. 3 Sometimes a creative problem is so difficult that it requires people to connect their imagination together. 4 But sometimes a single network is not enough. 5 The correct environment for a salmon when cooking one is perhaps a heated oven. 6 1.Instead it is a chance for those talents to exceed themselves, to produce something greater than anyone thought possible. 7 According to phlasopher Radcliffe Richards, it is incoherent to think that something's real nature is revealed when it is in its correct environment. 8 They would later find it difficult to remember the order. 9 There is a network of neurons in the brain. 10 Cold, smashed, left in water and so on. 11 The correct enviroument for its spawning is something else again. 12 First of all, the whole notion of a 'correct environment' is problematic. 13 2.when the right people come together ans when they collaborate in the right way, what happens can often feel like magic. 14 Sometimes a creative problem is so difficult that it requires people to connect their imagination together; the answer arrives only if we collaborate. 15 That's because a group is not just a collection of individual talent. 16 Isn't the notion of what is correct relative to various concerns? 17 But more importantly, to know something" s nature is to kow how it is in a variety of envionments. 18 Then the network shifts All of a sudden. 19 Knowing how iron behaves when left in condtions optimal to its continued, unchanged existence only gives a partial view of its nature. 20 Eiectricity flows in an unfamiliar pattern. 21 A shiver of current across a circuit board of cells, but sometimes a single network is not enough.