2025. Reading Is An Intelligent Sport.
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지문 분석결과
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During the Squisito Winery's anniversary party, President Alessia Cotandino thanked all the workers who have served the company conscientiously for the past 25 years. Delivery usually takes 1 to 2 weeks. You can find the updated version of the manual in the Product Information section of our Web site, or we can send you a print version in the mail if you prefer. Our documentation team has therefore revised the section to clarify the type of cable and software needed in order to transfer pictures from your camera. We are always looking for talented staff to join our team ). Instruction manuals can be downloaded from our Web site. The BX2000 camera is one of our top-selling models. We agree with you that the instructions for uploading pictures to a mobile phone are potentially confusing. Thank you for your recent comment on our Web site about the instruction manual for the BX2000 miniature camera. You must pay close attention to detail in order to allow only those with the proper ID to enter the room. The company's website provides resources for educators to use when they are in classroom situations. The company's website provides resources for educators to use when they are in classroom situation. The managers have not decided whether the sales team will attend the conference on Thursday or Friday. In his retirement speech, Mr. Taylor noted that his assistant Shila Mem is so efficient that she could run the office by herself. Since the space is limited, Each workshop participant is expected to register for the seminar as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any question. For each group, you'll read the scripts for four advertisements, each emphasizing a different feature of TravelreN.ca ). As this is a study for a travel industry Web site, the client wanted us to locate people who travel often, either for work or for leisure. You will then be directed to respond to a brief screening questionnaire to ensure that you are eligible to participate. If you are interested, please call Westwood at 204-555-0172 and mention study 89. Study participants will listen to a series of advertising messages and engage in a discussion led by a moderator. Westwood Market Research is recruiting adults 22 to 65 years old to participate in a study about travel at Rivergrove Hotel's conference centre at 38 Coe Parkway during the first week of May. Rising competition from several foreign companies caused Kennel Consulting to restructure several of its departments. Rising competition caused Kennel Consulting to restructure several of its departments. The FPT Corporation is seeking motivated individuals who are interested in pursuing opportunities in the chemical industry ). Joes's Salsa House attracts customer with a wide range of healthy Mexican dishes suited for both the health-conscious and indulgent diner. Participants are requested to give brief introductions of themselves during the photography workshop.
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 During the Squisito Winery's anniversary party, President Alessia Cotandino thanked all the workers who have served the company conscientiously for the past 25 years. 2 Delivery usually takes 1 to 2 weeks. 3 You can find the updated version of the manual in the Product Information section of our Web site, or we can send you a print version in the mail if you prefer. 4 Our documentation team has therefore revised the section to clarify the type of cable and software needed in order to transfer pictures from your camera. 5 We are always looking for talented staff to join our team ). 6 Instruction manuals can be downloaded from our Web site. 7 The BX2000 camera is one of our top-selling models. 8 We agree with you that the instructions for uploading pictures to a mobile phone are potentially confusing. 9 Thank you for your recent comment on our Web site about the instruction manual for the BX2000 miniature camera. 10 You must pay close attention to detail in order to allow only those with the proper ID to enter the room. 11 The company's website provides resources for educators to use when they are in classroom situations. 12 The company's website provides resources for educators to use when they are in classroom situation. 13 The managers have not decided whether the sales team will attend the conference on Thursday or Friday. 14 In his retirement speech, Mr. Taylor noted that his assistant Shila Mem is so efficient that she could run the office by herself. 15 Since the space is limited, Each workshop participant is expected to register for the seminar as soon as possible. 16 Let me know if you have any question. 17 For each group, you'll read the scripts for four advertisements, each emphasizing a different feature of TravelreN.ca ). 18 As this is a study for a travel industry Web site, the client wanted us to locate people who travel often, either for work or for leisure. 19 You will then be directed to respond to a brief screening questionnaire to ensure that you are eligible to participate. 20 If you are interested, please call Westwood at 204-555-0172 and mention study 89. 21 Study participants will listen to a series of advertising messages and engage in a discussion led by a moderator. 22 Westwood Market Research is recruiting adults 22 to 65 years old to participate in a study about travel at Rivergrove Hotel's conference centre at 38 Coe Parkway during the first week of May. 23 Rising competition from several foreign companies caused Kennel Consulting to restructure several of its departments. 24 Rising competition caused Kennel Consulting to restructure several of its departments. 25 The FPT Corporation is seeking motivated individuals who are interested in pursuing opportunities in the chemical industry ). 26 Joes's Salsa House attracts customer with a wide range of healthy Mexican dishes suited for both the health-conscious and indulgent diner. 27 Participants are requested to give brief introductions of themselves during the photography workshop.