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The Guelphs supported the Holy Roman Emperor, while the Ghibellines were loyal to the papal authority. Dante popularized the use of the Tuscan dialect, which would later become the modern-day Italian language. Dante greatly influenced the development of the Italian language by writing in the vernacular, or the language of the common people. The Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest works in Western literature because of its moral wisdom and social commentary about medieval life. Dante would live in exile in different cities throughout Italy for the rest of his life. However, Florence was occupied and ruled a few years later by Guelphs who had become supporters of the Pope. Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet during the Late Middle Ages known for his literary masterpiece, the Divine Comedy. By 18 years of age, Dante was receiving praises from his peers for writing exemplary poetry. Growing up, Dante studied Tuscan poetry, painting, and music, as well as rhetoric and Latin literature. Scholars speculate that Dante was born sometime between May 11 and June 21, 1265, based on his early autobiographical writings. He is also one of three poets considered to be the "Fathers of Modern Italian Language." He became an apprentice to Brunetto Latini, a poet and a politician who greatly influenced Dante's literary career. In the 1280s, Dante was supporting the Guelphs, a political faction that was in conflict with the Ghibellines over who should lead Florence. Dante fought alongside the Guelphs against the Ghibellines and won at the Battle of Campaldino. He came from a prominent family of moderate means. Dante, being still loyal to the emperor, was exiled from the city in 1301. During this time, he started writing the Divine Comedy, a long narrative poem about his fictional spiritual journey divided into three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). Durante degli Alighieri was born in Florence in the Italian region of Tuscany to Alighiero di Bellincione and Gabriella degli Abati. Shortly after finishing Paradiso, Dante contracted malaria and died in Ravenna, Italy, in 1321. During his time, Latin was considered the language of the educated elite. He is referred to as li Sommo Poeta, or "the Supreme Poet," for greatly influencing the development of Italian literature. His apprenticeship also enabled him to meet other Florentine poets.
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1 The Guelphs supported the Holy Roman Emperor, while the Ghibellines were loyal to the papal authority. 2 Dante popularized the use of the Tuscan dialect, which would later become the modern-day Italian language. 3 Dante greatly influenced the development of the Italian language by writing in the vernacular, or the language of the common people. 4 The Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest works in Western literature because of its moral wisdom and social commentary about medieval life. 5 Dante would live in exile in different cities throughout Italy for the rest of his life. 6 However, Florence was occupied and ruled a few years later by Guelphs who had become supporters of the Pope. 7 Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet during the Late Middle Ages known for his literary masterpiece, the Divine Comedy. 8 By 18 years of age, Dante was receiving praises from his peers for writing exemplary poetry. 9 Growing up, Dante studied Tuscan poetry, painting, and music, as well as rhetoric and Latin literature. 10 Scholars speculate that Dante was born sometime between May 11 and June 21, 1265, based on his early autobiographical writings. 11 He is also one of three poets considered to be the "Fathers of Modern Italian Language." 12 He became an apprentice to Brunetto Latini, a poet and a politician who greatly influenced Dante's literary career. 13 In the 1280s, Dante was supporting the Guelphs, a political faction that was in conflict with the Ghibellines over who should lead Florence. 14 Dante fought alongside the Guelphs against the Ghibellines and won at the Battle of Campaldino. 15 He came from a prominent family of moderate means. 16 Dante, being still loyal to the emperor, was exiled from the city in 1301. 17 During this time, he started writing the Divine Comedy, a long narrative poem about his fictional spiritual journey divided into three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise). 18 Durante degli Alighieri was born in Florence in the Italian region of Tuscany to Alighiero di Bellincione and Gabriella degli Abati. 19 Shortly after finishing Paradiso, Dante contracted malaria and died in Ravenna, Italy, in 1321. 20 During his time, Latin was considered the language of the educated elite. 21 He is referred to as li Sommo Poeta, or "the Supreme Poet," for greatly influencing the development of Italian literature. 22 His apprenticeship also enabled him to meet other Florentine poets.