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문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Experiencing virtual reality is proving to be effective in caring for patients with terminal illnesses. It consists of a 360-degree view of almost all surroundings imaginable, such as everyday scenes, famous landmarks, exotic jungles, and outer space. By wearing a pair of virtual reality goggles that are connected to a computer, one can experience, and even "move about" the simulated environment. Through a medical treatment called Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET), patients are being treated of anxiety disorders by enabling them to recover from past trauma. By exposing them to the environment that caused their fears, patients eventually learn to cope with their anxicties. More recently, VRET is being used to give terminally ill patients the chance to experience the world outside their rooms. The headset tracks the direction in which the patients turn their heads, allowing them to see three-dimensional scenes in any direction. At Royal Trinity Hospice in the United Kingdom, a patient who was paralyzed by a neurological disease was given the chance to "swim" with dolphins through virtual reality. The full potential of virtual reality therapy is yet to be determined. Virtual reality is a computer-generated reproduction of an environment. Virtual reality has many applications, including the enrichment of the video game experience, skills training, and entertainment. Virtual reality is also being used in healthcare. The method has been proven safe because the patient is not exposed to any physical threat. In hospices, or healthcare facilities where people with incurable diseases are cared for, virtual reality is used to allow patients to explore their desired environments. Nonetheless, the world market for virtual reality healthcare is predicted to grow by 54.5 percent annually between 2019 and 2023, making it a central part of future mainstream medicine.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Experiencing virtual reality is proving to be effective in caring for patients with terminal illnesses. 2 It consists of a 360-degree view of almost all surroundings imaginable, such as everyday scenes, famous landmarks, exotic jungles, and outer space. 3 By wearing a pair of virtual reality goggles that are connected to a computer, one can experience, and even "move about" the simulated environment. 4 Through a medical treatment called Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET), patients are being treated of anxiety disorders by enabling them to recover from past trauma. 5 By exposing them to the environment that caused their fears, patients eventually learn to cope with their anxicties. 6 More recently, VRET is being used to give terminally ill patients the chance to experience the world outside their rooms. 7 The headset tracks the direction in which the patients turn their heads, allowing them to see three-dimensional scenes in any direction. 8 At Royal Trinity Hospice in the United Kingdom, a patient who was paralyzed by a neurological disease was given the chance to "swim" with dolphins through virtual reality. 9 The full potential of virtual reality therapy is yet to be determined. 10 Virtual reality is a computer-generated reproduction of an environment. 11 Virtual reality has many applications, including the enrichment of the video game experience, skills training, and entertainment. 12 Virtual reality is also being used in healthcare. 13 The method has been proven safe because the patient is not exposed to any physical threat. 14 In hospices, or healthcare facilities where people with incurable diseases are cared for, virtual reality is used to allow patients to explore their desired environments. 15 Nonetheless, the world market for virtual reality healthcare is predicted to grow by 54.5 percent annually between 2019 and 2023, making it a central part of future mainstream medicine.