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지문 분석결과
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영어2 지학사(민) 1~6과
영어2 지학사(민) 1~6과
영어2 지학사(민) 1~6과
본문 4과-1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
본문 4과-1
From seemingly unimportant daily choices, like deciding what to eat for lunch, to huge life-changing decisions, like choosing our future career, we face many situations where we have to make difficult decisions. Some of these situations could be dilemmatic, requiring you to make a difficult choice between two or more alternatives. Read the following stories and think about how you would react in each of the dilemmatic situations. 1: To Plug in or Not? Imagine scientists have come up with an amazing new invention called the Experience Machine. It works like this: You go into a lab and sit down with the staff and tell them about everything you've ever wanted to do in life. Then, you put on some gear that connects to the machine and go into a tank of fluid. The scientists induce you into a coma that you will never awaken from. The machine will stimulate your brain, and you'll think and feel that you are doing the things that you have always desired. This allows you to have whatever experiences you want for the duration of your life. In this virtual reality, you are happy. Of course, you wouldn't know that you were in the tank you'd think that everything was all actually happening. Maybe you wouldn't have a good reason to deny something substantially better than reality—even if it was "artificial." But what about human dignity? And the satisfaction of our "true" desires? The truth is that you would just be floating in a tank filled with fluid. If the Experience Machine was available to you and guaranteed to work flawlessly, would you plug into it for life, pre-programming your life experiences?
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 From seemingly unimportant daily choices, like deciding what to eat for lunch, to huge life-changing decisions, like choosing our future career, we face many situations where we have to make difficult decisions. 2 Some of these situations could be dilemmatic, requiring you to make a difficult choice between two or more alternatives. 3 Read the following stories and think about how you would react in each of the dilemmatic situations. 4 1: To Plug in or Not? 5 Imagine scientists have come up with an amazing new invention called the Experience Machine. 6 It works like this: You go into a lab and sit down with the staff and tell them about everything you've ever wanted to do in life. 7 Then, you put on some gear that connects to the machine and go into a tank of fluid. 8 The scientists induce you into a coma that you will never awaken from. 9 The machine will stimulate your brain, and you'll think and feel that you are doing the things that you have always desired. 10 This allows you to have whatever experiences you want for the duration of your life. 11 In this virtual reality, you are happy. 12 Of course, you wouldn't know that you were in the tank you'd think that everything was all actually happening. 13 Maybe you wouldn't have a good reason to deny something substantially better than reality—even if it was "artificial." 14 But what about human dignity? 15 And the satisfaction of our "true" desires? 16 The truth is that you would just be floating in a tank filled with fluid. 17 If the Experience Machine was available to you and guaranteed to work flawlessly, would you plug into it for life, pre-programming your life experiences?