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영어2 지학사(민) 1~6과
영어2 지학사(민) 1~6과
영어2 지학사(민) 1~6과
본문 4과-2
문장 선택
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본문 4과-2
2: To Help or Not to Help? Thomas Nagel is a famed professor of philosophy at New York University. He addresses issues of non-interference and the meaningfulness of life in a story. One day, he noticed a little spider living in the urinal of the restroom at Princeton University, where he was teaching. "The spider appeared to have an awful life, living in a smelly and dirty place. He didn't seem to like it. Whenever I went to the restroom, the spider seemed to try to scramble out of the way. Often, he would get caught, fall, and get soaked by the flushing water. The worst part was that there was no way for the spider to get out and no way to tell if he even wanted to. None of the other students or professors did anything to alter the situation. One day toward the end of the term, I took a paper towel from the wall dispenser and extended it to him. His legs grasped the end of the towel, and I lifted him out and placed him on the floor. He just sat there, not moving a muscle. I nudged him to go anywhere he wanted." Was it okay for Nagel to act out of empathy, assuming that the spider would fare better—and perhaps even enjoy life—outside of its normal existence? After Nagel put the spider on the floor, it didn't move. He left and came back two hours later. He found that the spider had drowned in some water, probably while the restroom was being cleaned. This leads to a dilemma: Even though our intentions are good, should we interfere in others' lives? What if our interference accidentally causes unexpected harm?
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1 2: To Help or Not to Help? 2 Thomas Nagel is a famed professor of philosophy at New York University. 3 He addresses issues of non-interference and the meaningfulness of life in a story. 4 One day, he noticed a little spider living in the urinal of the restroom at Princeton University, where he was teaching. 5 "The spider appeared to have an awful life, living in a smelly and dirty place. 6 He didn't seem to like it. 7 Whenever I went to the restroom, the spider seemed to try to scramble out of the way. 8 Often, he would get caught, fall, and get soaked by the flushing water. 9 The worst part was that there was no way for the spider to get out and no way to tell if he even wanted to. 10 None of the other students or professors did anything to alter the situation. 11 One day toward the end of the term, I took a paper towel from the wall dispenser and extended it to him. 12 His legs grasped the end of the towel, and I lifted him out and placed him on the floor. 13 He just sat there, not moving a muscle. 14 I nudged him to go anywhere he wanted." 15 Was it okay for Nagel to act out of empathy, assuming that the spider would fare better—and perhaps even enjoy life—outside of its normal existence? 16 After Nagel put the spider on the floor, it didn't move. 17 He left and came back two hours later. 18 He found that the spider had drowned in some water, probably while the restroom was being cleaned. 19 This leads to a dilemma: Even though our intentions are good, should we interfere in others' lives? 20 What if our interference accidentally causes unexpected harm?