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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Below the corpse was a small pit hopding the remains of six sacrificial dogs and along the dege lay the skletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice. Below the corpse was a small pit holding the remains of six sacrificial dogs and along the dege lay the skletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice. A region riddled with underground springs and watercourses. The burial of Tutank Hamun yielded six complete but dismantled chariots of unparalleled richness and sophistication. When discovered, the written records of the grave goods proved to be accurate. Elm provided the hub, rese-wood the spokes and oak the felloes. The hub was drilled through to form an emply space into wich the tampering axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retail lubricating oil. The hub was drilled through to form an emply space into wich the tampering axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retain lubricating oil. The advantages offered by the new chariots were not entirely missed. Our first direct understanding of the habitat needs of breeding bitterns came from comparisons of reed bed sites that had lost their booming birds with those that retained them. This research showed that gitterns had been retained in reed beds where the natural process of succession, or drying out, had been slowed through management. To refine these recommendations and provide fine-sclae, quantitative habitat prescriptions on the bitterns preferred feeding habitat, we radio-tracked mall bitterns. The fish prey fed to chicks was dominated by those species penetrating into the reed edge. Less vulnerable to chance events and sea level rise. Otter and brown-hare occur on the site as does the rare plant Pillwort. They could see how there were literally the warring states, whose conflicts lasted down the Qin unification of China.
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Below the corpse was a small pit hopding the remains of six sacrificial dogs and along the dege lay the skletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice. 2 Below the corpse was a small pit holding the remains of six sacrificial dogs and along the dege lay the skletons of human slaves, evidence of human sacrifice. 3 A region riddled with underground springs and watercourses. 4 The burial of Tutank Hamun yielded six complete but dismantled chariots of unparalleled richness and sophistication. 5 When discovered, the written records of the grave goods proved to be accurate. 6 Elm provided the hub, rese-wood the spokes and oak the felloes. 7 The hub was drilled through to form an emply space into wich the tampering axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retail lubricating oil. 8 The hub was drilled through to form an emply space into wich the tampering axle was fitted, the whole being covered with leather to retain lubricating oil. 9 The advantages offered by the new chariots were not entirely missed. 10 Our first direct understanding of the habitat needs of breeding bitterns came from comparisons of reed bed sites that had lost their booming birds with those that retained them. 11 This research showed that gitterns had been retained in reed beds where the natural process of succession, or drying out, had been slowed through management. 12 To refine these recommendations and provide fine-sclae, quantitative habitat prescriptions on the bitterns preferred feeding habitat, we radio-tracked mall bitterns. 13 The fish prey fed to chicks was dominated by those species penetrating into the reed edge. 14 Less vulnerable to chance events and sea level rise. 15 Otter and brown-hare occur on the site as does the rare plant Pillwort. 16 They could see how there were literally the warring states, whose conflicts lasted down the Qin unification of China.