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Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
UNIT 13 - READING 1 Hierarchy of Needs
문장 선택
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UNIT 13 - READING 1 Hierarchy of Needs
What are the basic requirements of life and what do we need next after those? When you answer these questions, you're doing the same kind of work that American psychologist Abraham Maslow did in his "hierarchy of needs" theory. The theory states that we must progress through various levels, satisfying the needs of each before being able to move on to the next. He thought individuals could eventually fulfill their potential if they could just satisfy several fundamental needs. The most basic needs form the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy and are referred to as physiological needs. Physiological needs include our needs for food and shelter. Unless these are satisfied, we cannot move to the next level, safety needs. We need to feel secure in our environment, and this feeling of security usually means protection and freedom from fear. The third level is the need for love and belonging. People satisfy this need through their families and homes, as well as by joining and forming groups, making friends, and being part of a team. In the fourth level, the need for esteem refers to people's need to be recognized. Here, they want to feel that others think highly of them; they may need praise and want to feel good about themselves. They may try to accomplish this by achieving set goals. Self-actualization, the fifth level, is the summit of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It is the quest to reach one's full human potential. In this process people tend to have needs such as truth, justice, wisdom, and spiritual fulfillment. Despite the appealing logic of Maslow's hierarchy, it seems to have some limits. Extensive research has suggested that there is little evidence for the ranking of levels and the argument of a definite hierarchy. Moreover, the concept of self-actualization is vague, and there's no evidence to show that every individual can reach it. Maslow was the first psychologist to carry out academic research on human needs. He believed everybody should be encouraged to discover their vocations in life and endeavor to make life better. These are still important lessons today.
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1 What are the basic requirements of life and what do we need next after those? 2 When you answer these questions, you're doing the same kind of work that American psychologist Abraham Maslow did in his "hierarchy of needs" theory. 3 The theory states that we must progress through various levels, satisfying the needs of each before being able to move on to the next. 4 He thought individuals could eventually fulfill their potential if they could just satisfy several fundamental needs. 5 The most basic needs form the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy and are referred to as physiological needs. 6 Physiological needs include our needs for food and shelter. 7 Unless these are satisfied, we cannot move to the next level, safety needs. 8 We need to feel secure in our environment, and this feeling of security usually means protection and freedom from fear. 9 The third level is the need for love and belonging. 10 People satisfy this need through their families and homes, as well as by joining and forming groups, making friends, and being part of a team. 11 In the fourth level, the need for esteem refers to people's need to be recognized. 12 Here, they want to feel that others think highly of them; they may need praise and want to feel good about themselves. 13 They may try to accomplish this by achieving set goals. 14 Self-actualization, the fifth level, is the summit of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. 15 It is the quest to reach one's full human potential. 16 In this process people tend to have needs such as truth, justice, wisdom, and spiritual fulfillment. 17 Despite the appealing logic of Maslow's hierarchy, it seems to have some limits. 18 Extensive research has suggested that there is little evidence for the ranking of levels and the argument of a definite hierarchy. 19 Moreover, the concept of self-actualization is vague, and there's no evidence to show that every individual can reach it. 20 Maslow was the first psychologist to carry out academic research on human needs. 21 He believed everybody should be encouraged to discover their vocations in life and endeavor to make life better. 22 These are still important lessons today.