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Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
UNIT 02 - READING 1 Digital Dementia
문장 선택
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UNIT 02 - READING 1 Digital Dementia
Dementia is a well-known disorder that affects memory and concentration. Dementia patients often find it hard to remember simple things, such as phone numbers and people's names. While it is typically diagnosed in the elderly, there has been a recent and troubling increase in dementia-like symptoms in teenagers and adults in their 20s and 30s. This new type of dementia has been called "digital dementia." Why do we call it "digital"? It has been blamed on the excessive use of smartphones and long hours spent in front of television and computer screens. When these devices are overused, the left side of the brain, which is responsible for logic and reasoning, tends to get overworked. Meanwhile, the right side of the brain, which supports cogmt1ve functions like memory, attention, and the processing of ideas, is hardly utilized. This imbalance in how the brain is used leads to memory problems. Because of this, experts in some countries have recommended banning smartphones and other electronic devices from classrooms. In addition, people these days tend to store phone numbers and other bits of information on their smartphones instead of in their minds. It has been suggested that the resulting lack of mental stimulation hinders memory and brain development. This idea is supported by the fact that in South Korea, where over 90% of teenagers own a smartphone, there has been an alarming increase in cases of digital dementia. So what can you do to fight digital dementia? First, try to use digital devices only when you need to. Also, memorizing phone numbers of family members and friends is a good way to keep your memory sharp. Reading books and keeping a diary are great activities for keeping the brain stimulated, too. Finally, aerobic exercise enhances blood circulation in the brain and is good for your mental health. These activities can help you lead a healthy life and avoid becoming a victim of digital dementia.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Dementia is a well-known disorder that affects memory and concentration. 2 Dementia patients often find it hard to remember simple things, such as phone numbers and people's names. 3 While it is typically diagnosed in the elderly, there has been a recent and troubling increase in dementia-like symptoms in teenagers and adults in their 20s and 30s. 4 This new type of dementia has been called "digital dementia." 5 Why do we call it "digital"? 6 It has been blamed on the excessive use of smartphones and long hours spent in front of television and computer screens. 7 When these devices are overused, the left side of the brain, which is responsible for logic and reasoning, tends to get overworked. 8 Meanwhile, the right side of the brain, which supports cogmt1ve functions like memory, attention, and the processing of ideas, is hardly utilized. 9 This imbalance in how the brain is used leads to memory problems. 10 Because of this, experts in some countries have recommended banning smartphones and other electronic devices from classrooms. 11 In addition, people these days tend to store phone numbers and other bits of information on their smartphones instead of in their minds. 12 It has been suggested that the resulting lack of mental stimulation hinders memory and brain development. 13 This idea is supported by the fact that in South Korea, where over 90% of teenagers own a smartphone, there has been an alarming increase in cases of digital dementia. 14 So what can you do to fight digital dementia? 15 First, try to use digital devices only when you need to. 16 Also, memorizing phone numbers of family members and friends is a good way to keep your memory sharp. 17 Reading books and keeping a diary are great activities for keeping the brain stimulated, too. 18 Finally, aerobic exercise enhances blood circulation in the brain and is good for your mental health. 19 These activities can help you lead a healthy life and avoid becoming a victim of digital dementia.