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Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
UNIT 15 - READING 2 TOEFL (Plato’s Republic)
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UNIT 15 - READING 2 TOEFL (Plato’s Republic)
Ancient Athens was home to the first democracy, and it produced some great thinkers. As democracy started to fail, the philosophers of the time tried to figure out why and to think of ways to fix it. One of these philosophers was Plato(427-347 B.C.), a student of Socrates(469-399 B.C.). Plato began to doubt the democracy of his time and tried to think of a better option. In one of his most famous works, The Republic, Plato proposed his ideal society. It was based on what he saw as the four virtues of the state: wisdom, courage, self-discipline, and justice. He designated a different class of people to fulfill three of these virtues. The wise would rule as "philosopher kings," the brave would act as "guardians," the self-disciplined would do "manual work," and the whole of society would work together toward justice. Plato saw people as being naturally inclined to serve one of these roles because of their soul. The soul, according to Plato, is divided into three parts: the rational, the will, and the appetite. If the individual is governed more by the rational element, he or she is suited to rule. Someone who is governed by the will would make a good guardian, and a person governed by the appetite would make a good worker. The ultimate goals of society, for Plato, were fulfillment of needs and happiness. Everyone has needs, and everyone has abilities. But people don't have the range of abilities required to meet all of their individual needs. Therefore, he felt, society must work together to satisfy the needs of all people. When everyone specializes in their occupation and then exchanges the fruits of their labor with others, all people can meet their needs and be happy. Crucially, Plato believed that the perfect society would occur only when kings became philosophers or philosophers were made kings, as it is the wisdom of their decision-making that is the key to the success of a social unit. Plato's Republic was designed to put in place a system that addressed the innate characteristics of the people. Although its aim seems too impractical to become reality, his thoughts laid the foundations of Western philosophy.
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1 Ancient Athens was home to the first democracy, and it produced some great thinkers. 2 As democracy started to fail, the philosophers of the time tried to figure out why and to think of ways to fix it. 3 One of these philosophers was Plato(427-347 B.C.), a student of Socrates(469-399 B.C.). 4 Plato began to doubt the democracy of his time and tried to think of a better option. 5 In one of his most famous works, The Republic, Plato proposed his ideal society. 6 It was based on what he saw as the four virtues of the state: wisdom, courage, self-discipline, and justice. 7 He designated a different class of people to fulfill three of these virtues. 8 The wise would rule as "philosopher kings," the brave would act as "guardians," the self-disciplined would do "manual work," and the whole of society would work together toward justice. 9 Plato saw people as being naturally inclined to serve one of these roles because of their soul. 10 The soul, according to Plato, is divided into three parts: the rational, the will, and the appetite. 11 If the individual is governed more by the rational element, he or she is suited to rule. 12 Someone who is governed by the will would make a good guardian, and a person governed by the appetite would make a good worker. 13 The ultimate goals of society, for Plato, were fulfillment of needs and happiness. 14 Everyone has needs, and everyone has abilities. 15 But people don't have the range of abilities required to meet all of their individual needs. 16 Therefore, he felt, society must work together to satisfy the needs of all people. 17 When everyone specializes in their occupation and then exchanges the fruits of their labor with others, all people can meet their needs and be happy. 18 Crucially, Plato believed that the perfect society would occur only when kings became philosophers or philosophers were made kings, as it is the wisdom of their decision-making that is the key to the success of a social unit. 19 Plato's Republic was designed to put in place a system that addressed the innate characteristics of the people. 20 Although its aim seems too impractical to become reality, his thoughts laid the foundations of Western philosophy.