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Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
Reading Expert 5(2020)
UNIT 03 - READING 2 Audience Research for TV
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UNIT 03 - READING 2 Audience Research for TV
When discussing the success or failure of television programs, people generally refer to the number of viewers. This is an important statistic, as companies use it to make advertising decisions. But have you ever wondered how this number is determined? There is actually an entire field dedicated to doing so, and it is known as audience research. Of course, it is impossible to find out what every person in the world is watching at any particular time. Instead, a sample audience is surveyed. In America, this sample consists of 25,000 households. In the past, these families were asked to keep a diary of their viewing habits and submit it once a week. Then in the 1990s, this method was abandoned in favor of TV meters. These were devices that were attached to each household's televisions in order to record exactly what the family watched. Nowadays, however, most TV meters have been replaced with "people meters." These devices can gather more detailed information. For example, they can track what each individual member of a household watches. When you sit down to watch TV, you push a personalized button that activates the people meter. You push it again when you are finished viewing. This lets advertisers know important things, such as which shows are popular with women or which age groups like a certain show best. Unfortunately, there are some doubts that these rating figures are reliable. Part of the problem is the sample size. Collectively, the 25,000 American households used in audience research represent only about 0.02% of the total population. Therefore, the viewing habits of 99.9% of America are being ignored. There is also some specific criticism of people meters. They rely on people consistently pressing their buttons when they enter or exit the room. Special cameras have been created to fix this problem, but their high cost has prevented them from being installed in most households. Furthermore, people increasingly watch TV in places other than their own home, such as restaurants or other public locations. And, of course, the growing popularity of watching shows on the Internet and smartphones creates a whole new problem for accurate audience research.
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1 When discussing the success or failure of television programs, people generally refer to the number of viewers. 2 This is an important statistic, as companies use it to make advertising decisions. 3 But have you ever wondered how this number is determined? 4 There is actually an entire field dedicated to doing so, and it is known as audience research. 5 Of course, it is impossible to find out what every person in the world is watching at any particular time. 6 Instead, a sample audience is surveyed. 7 In America, this sample consists of 25,000 households. 8 In the past, these families were asked to keep a diary of their viewing habits and submit it once a week. 9 Then in the 1990s, this method was abandoned in favor of TV meters. 10 These were devices that were attached to each household's televisions in order to record exactly what the family watched. 11 Nowadays, however, most TV meters have been replaced with "people meters." 12 These devices can gather more detailed information. 13 For example, they can track what each individual member of a household watches. 14 When you sit down to watch TV, you push a personalized button that activates the people meter. 15 You push it again when you are finished viewing. 16 This lets advertisers know important things, such as which shows are popular with women or which age groups like a certain show best. 17 Unfortunately, there are some doubts that these rating figures are reliable. 18 Part of the problem is the sample size. 19 Collectively, the 25,000 American households used in audience research represent only about 0.02% of the total population. 20 Therefore, the viewing habits of 99.9% of America are being ignored. 21 There is also some specific criticism of people meters. 22 They rely on people consistently pressing their buttons when they enter or exit the room. 23 Special cameras have been created to fix this problem, but their high cost has prevented them from being installed in most households. 24 Furthermore, people increasingly watch TV in places other than their own home, such as restaurants or other public locations. 25 And, of course, the growing popularity of watching shows on the Internet and smartphones creates a whole new problem for accurate audience research.