배틀 크래프트
독해 지수
배틀 크래프트
독해 지수
Reading Is An Intelligent Sport.
Our mission is to make everything about sentences.
Please stay here and make your dreams.
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한 문장의 분석 결과만
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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
분석 결과
단어 목록
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Fully 97.4 percent of all the water on Earth is the salt water of the ocean, and the only thing human beings can use salt water for is to in and to float ships on.
It seems extraordinary in these days when everyone has to go to school, at least until the age of fifteen, that some people are not able to read intelligently.
In the heart of the downtown in Seoul things which were taken for granted yesterday have disappeared.
What appears more to the point is that, the Japanese educational system trains people to get maximum mileage out of such native ability as they possess and that in an informal sense, education in Japan never ends.
Both England and the United States speak the same language, but this is sometimes more a cause of misunderstanding than of understandingband it has been said that the two counties are divided by a common language.
In some countries it is considered inhospitable to entertain at home, offering what is felt as merely home-cooked food, not doing something for your guest.
They are thinking about moving to a bigger place, but they haven't decided yet if they should find a place in the city, move to the suburbs, or go out to the country to live.
In morden times before the Industrial Revolution, the diminution of serfdom and the growth of handicrafts increased the number of workers who were their own masters, and who could therefore enjoy some pride in what they prodeuced.
After a year's research a U.S. Congressional committee released a report stating that the confinement of Japanese-Americans in interment camps during the war was the most shameful, unjustifiable deed in American history and recommended the payment of compensation to the survivors.
A Korean college student who stayed in America for a few months was amazed to discover that Americans weren't interested in how good or bad his English was, so long as he could make his meaning clear.
The adoption of foreign words in any language may come about in different ways, and the extend to which foreign elements become naturalized varies considerably.
The great development of electrical signaling devices and the vast improvements which have taken place during the past century in the means of transportation have reduced to comparative insignificance the time element in communication.
The limitations of any knowledge obtained by these methods have become increasingly apparent in modern science, and in particular in modern physics which has taught us that every word or concept, clear as it may seem to be, can be applied only within a limited range.
Certainly, as he goes higher in the hierarchy he will face more intense competition with his colleagues, but the range of success and failure in such a limited field is not wide, however intense both his own and his peers' feelings within the group.
No longer can the city government just let buildings and highways be built without considering carefully where to build them.
Often the only sign of his presence there was a curl of blue smoke rising from the chimney-top to the pine-boughs above.
That consciousness of self and freedom go together is shown in the fact that the less self-awareness a person has, the more he is unfree.
The apparently endless woods, unbroken except by rivers and occasional masses of rock, seemed strangely wonderful to these settlers.
Almost any human being, even those that seem very ordinary, can do something very well without knowing how he or she does it, and all these are human things that, perhaps, no robot will ever do.
The only shred of consolation that he could find for the fact that he was standing cold, wet, and lonely in the town of Hull, was that he might be standing cold, wet, and lonely in the town of Google, as seem from the train, looked even more awful than Hull.
It's astonishing how one can train his eyes to note things which most people ignores.
In an age when anything seems to be possible, it would be narrow-minded in the extreme to ridicule these attempts to find out if there is life in other parts of the universe.
In any event, it was evident to the French scholar Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote Democracy in America after visiting the United States, that individualism and self-reliance were distinctive expressions of the Amreican character.
The more you, as a parent, know about the current state of research into language acquisition, the more fun it is to watch your own children.
As mankind increases year by year, and as he spreads farther over the globe burning and destroying, it is some small comfort to know that there are certain private individuals and some institutions who consider that the work of trying to save and give sanctuary to these animals is of some importance.
If we study human and animal behavior from the same objective standpoint, it seems certain that if we allow these qualities to men we must allow them th animals as well.
It soon became apparent that none of the relatives was particularly keen to take responsibility for the child, and the discussions and arguments continued all through the day.
We have to admit, in comparing one civilization with another, and in comparing the different stages of our own, that no one society and no one age of it realizes all the values of civilization.
Though the country was at war with France under the mighty Napoleon Bonaparte, people still found time to discuss the nature of heat, or to wonder whether this new electricity would ever be of any practical use.
We cannot say whether Franklin was only reflecting tendencies already deeply rooted in the American character, or whether his writings themselves produced that outcome.
Again, if teachers really want to be educators, to help children to develop into satisfactory men and women, and not simply to stuff them with knowledge, they will only be really successful if they themselves have sound personalities.
They're not going to make it if they know a lot about music theory but don't know how to jam in a live concert.
Others emphasize creative usage of a database, without installing a fund of knowledge in the first place.
They ignore our need to obtain a deep understanding of a subject, which includes memorizing and storing a richly structured database.
They may look like jazz musicians and havevthe appearance of jamming, but in the end they know nothing.
These are all instruments intended to define or distinguish who is in form who is out, separating the participants from the ostracized.
This refusal again functions to divorce the critic from an image of a mindless, pleasure-seeking crowd he or she has actually manufactured in order to definitively secure the righteous logic of good taste.
They may point out that though people no longer work themselves to death, they still work hard enough.
Man now seeks to understand, and to act on, not only his environment but himself; and this has added, so to speak, a new dimension to reason, and a new dimension to history.
This has added, so to speak, a new dimension to reason, and a new dimension to history.
This has added a new dimension to reason, and a new dimension to history.
Man now seeks to understand, and to act on, not only his environment but himself.
But by power to be conscious of ourselves, we can call to mind how we acted yesterday or last month, and by learning from these actions we can influence, even if ever so little, how we act today.
By power to be conscious of ourselves.
I have scientific data compiled several years ago that establish beyond doubt that 92.7 percent of all the throwing up in bars or at parties or any other place liquor is served is done by young people.
I have scientific data compiled several years ago that establish beyond doubt.
I have scientific data compiled that 92.7 percent of all the throwing up in bars or at parties or any other place liquor is served is done by young people.
I have scientific data that 92.7 percent of all the throwing up in bars is done by young people.
Until the middle of the nineteenth century the people who supplied money to the unicersities were content to leave it to the scholars to determine policy, because it was believed that they knew best about such things.
The people were content to leave it to the scholars to determine policy.
The people were content to leave it to the scholars.
A small child, being asked and defenseless, finds it unbearable to believe thatbare no adults who love, support, and guide him; and if there are not, he invents them.
A small child, being weak and defenseless, finds it unbearable to believe thatbare no adults who love, support, and guide him; and if there are not, he invents them.
The language of the British people is today the most useful language in the world: It is the native tongue of the people of many nations and the second language of millions more, and has consequently become the language most convenient for international communication.
What I am, I have made myself.
What I am.
They remained standing.
An important consequence of this vast traffic in translated books is that it is perfectly possible for a Korean to keep abreast of current intellectual and artistic trends around the world even though he commamds no foreign language.
The little boy wants to be big and strong instead of small and helpless, and in imagination he can be Daddy going to work and coming home, perhaps, a cowboy or an Indian wining great contests.
The little boy wants to be big and strong instead of small and helpless, and in imagination he can be Daddy going to work and coming home,or later a cowboy or an Indian wining great contests.
I want to be a good man.
I want to be a doctor instead of teacher.
I can be a doctor.
He was really a simple, almost uninteresting person but all this wondering about him made him seem an enchanted character, and he reacted to their romancing by developing unusual behaviour quite foreign to his simple nature.
From this period we have a typical story of the wild man aspect of his nature that made people he lived with nervous and suspicious.
I made people I lived with nervous.
The middle-class housewife who does not think she is worth much as a worker, but wants to work, and gives her time to volunteer chores where she feels needed, but not valued.
When one nation subdues another that speaks a different language, the conquerors if their object is political power rather than just settlement may constitute an authority, or ruling class, which is numerically very much a minority.
The robot hand would move the bolt near the hole and begin to sense a force on one side of the bolt, which would tell the machine it hadn't got the bolt quite exactly where he hole was.
The force would tell the machine it hadn't got the bolt quite exactly where he hole was.
Similarly, love comics are believed to have caused many girls and young women a lot of disappointment.
They would just rely on good sense to solve their problems.
These women would not find it sufficiently amusing, when deprived of the spur of economic necessity, to cook and clean and mend, yet would be quite unable to find anything more amusing.
Anyone who makes it his life work to help other people may come to believe that they cannot get along without him, and may want to hear evidence that they can, all too often, stand on their own feet.
My function is to try to say things.
Philosophers make statement which are intended to be true.
The fact is that even experts are largely in the dark about how children learn their language when it comes down to details, so no parent is likely tonknow enough about the child's way of learning to be able to guide it by teaching.
지문 노트목록
지문단위의 해석이나 의미 등 내용에 대한 설명입니다.
등록된 노트가 없습니다.
지문에 대한 질문목록
이 지문과 관련된 질문이 있다면 이곳에서 등록해 보세요. (예를들면, 이 지문과 관련된 문제 풀이가 궁금할 때)
지문에 사용된 특정 문장에 대한 궁금증은 해당 문장의 헬프fico쌤에 등록하는 것이 좋습니다.
등록된 질문이 없습니다.
문장 분석
이 지문에 대해 AI는 다음과 같은 문장들로 구분하였습니다.
문장 구분과 분석의 정확성을 높이려면
'fico 정확성을 높이려면'
을 참고하세요
해석 목록
여러 AI의 해석들을 제공해 드립니다.
단어 목록
● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
등록된 노트가 없습니다.
인덱스 핑거
현재 문장과 유사한 구조를 가지거나 보충 학습할 수 있는 예문들을 추천합니다.
원문과 유사한
fico score
및 구문 구조를 갖는 문장이 없을 경우 검색되지 않을 수 있습니다.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
등록된 노트가 없습니다.
음성 설정
등록된 노트가 없습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
Fully 97.4 percent of all the water on Earth is the salt water of the ocean, and the only thing human beings can use salt water for is to in and to float ships on.
It seems extraordinary in these days when everyone has to go to school, at least until the age of fifteen, that some people are not able to read intelligently.
In the heart of the downtown in Seoul things which were taken for granted yesterday have disappeared.
What appears more to the point is that, the Japanese educational system trains people to get maximum mileage out of such native ability as they possess and that in an informal sense, education in Japan never ends.
Both England and the United States speak the same language, but this is sometimes more a cause of misunderstanding than of understandingband it has been said that the two counties are divided by a common language.
In some countries it is considered inhospitable to entertain at home, offering what is felt as merely home-cooked food, not doing something for your guest.
They are thinking about moving to a bigger place, but they haven't decided yet if they should find a place in the city, move to the suburbs, or go out to the country to live.
In morden times before the Industrial Revolution, the diminution of serfdom and the growth of handicrafts increased the number of workers who were their own masters, and who could therefore enjoy some pride in what they prodeuced.
After a year's research a U.S. Congressional committee released a report stating that the confinement of Japanese-Americans in interment camps during the war was the most shameful, unjustifiable deed in American history and recommended the payment of compensation to the survivors.
A Korean college student who stayed in America for a few months was amazed to discover that Americans weren't interested in how good or bad his English was, so long as he could make his meaning clear.
The adoption of foreign words in any language may come about in different ways, and the extend to which foreign elements become naturalized varies considerably.
The great development of electrical signaling devices and the vast improvements which have taken place during the past century in the means of transportation have reduced to comparative insignificance the time element in communication.
The limitations of any knowledge obtained by these methods have become increasingly apparent in modern science, and in particular in modern physics which has taught us that every word or concept, clear as it may seem to be, can be applied only within a limited range.
Certainly, as he goes higher in the hierarchy he will face more intense competition with his colleagues, but the range of success and failure in such a limited field is not wide, however intense both his own and his peers' feelings within the group.
No longer can the city government just let buildings and highways be built without considering carefully where to build them.
Often the only sign of his presence there was a curl of blue smoke rising from the chimney-top to the pine-boughs above.
That consciousness of self and freedom go together is shown in the fact that the less self-awareness a person has, the more he is unfree.
The apparently endless woods, unbroken except by rivers and occasional masses of rock, seemed strangely wonderful to these settlers.
Almost any human being, even those that seem very ordinary, can do something very well without knowing how he or she does it, and all these are human things that, perhaps, no robot will ever do.
The only shred of consolation that he could find for the fact that he was standing cold, wet, and lonely in the town of Hull, was that he might be standing cold, wet, and lonely in the town of Google, as seem from the train, looked even more awful than Hull.
It's astonishing how one can train his eyes to note things which most people ignores.
In an age when anything seems to be possible, it would be narrow-minded in the extreme to ridicule these attempts to find out if there is life in other parts of the universe.
In any event, it was evident to the French scholar Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote Democracy in America after visiting the United States, that individualism and self-reliance were distinctive expressions of the Amreican character.
The more you, as a parent, know about the current state of research into language acquisition, the more fun it is to watch your own children.
As mankind increases year by year, and as he spreads farther over the globe burning and destroying, it is some small comfort to know that there are certain private individuals and some institutions who consider that the work of trying to save and give sanctuary to these animals is of some importance.
If we study human and animal behavior from the same objective standpoint, it seems certain that if we allow these qualities to men we must allow them th animals as well.
It soon became apparent that none of the relatives was particularly keen to take responsibility for the child, and the discussions and arguments continued all through the day.
We have to admit, in comparing one civilization with another, and in comparing the different stages of our own, that no one society and no one age of it realizes all the values of civilization.
Though the country was at war with France under the mighty Napoleon Bonaparte, people still found time to discuss the nature of heat, or to wonder whether this new electricity would ever be of any practical use.
We cannot say whether Franklin was only reflecting tendencies already deeply rooted in the American character, or whether his writings themselves produced that outcome.
Again, if teachers really want to be educators, to help children to develop into satisfactory men and women, and not simply to stuff them with knowledge, they will only be really successful if they themselves have sound personalities.
They're not going to make it if they know a lot about music theory but don't know how to jam in a live concert.
Others emphasize creative usage of a database, without installing a fund of knowledge in the first place.
They ignore our need to obtain a deep understanding of a subject, which includes memorizing and storing a richly structured database.
They may look like jazz musicians and havevthe appearance of jamming, but in the end they know nothing.
These are all instruments intended to define or distinguish who is in form who is out, separating the participants from the ostracized.
This refusal again functions to divorce the critic from an image of a mindless, pleasure-seeking crowd he or she has actually manufactured in order to definitively secure the righteous logic of good taste.
They may point out that though people no longer work themselves to death, they still work hard enough.
Man now seeks to understand, and to act on, not only his environment but himself; and this has added, so to speak, a new dimension to reason, and a new dimension to history.
This has added, so to speak, a new dimension to reason, and a new dimension to history.
This has added a new dimension to reason, and a new dimension to history.
Man now seeks to understand, and to act on, not only his environment but himself.
But by power to be conscious of ourselves, we can call to mind how we acted yesterday or last month, and by learning from these actions we can influence, even if ever so little, how we act today.
By power to be conscious of ourselves.
I have scientific data compiled several years ago that establish beyond doubt that 92.7 percent of all the throwing up in bars or at parties or any other place liquor is served is done by young people.
I have scientific data compiled several years ago that establish beyond doubt.
I have scientific data compiled that 92.7 percent of all the throwing up in bars or at parties or any other place liquor is served is done by young people.
I have scientific data that 92.7 percent of all the throwing up in bars is done by young people.
Until the middle of the nineteenth century the people who supplied money to the unicersities were content to leave it to the scholars to determine policy, because it was believed that they knew best about such things.
The people were content to leave it to the scholars to determine policy.
The people were content to leave it to the scholars.
A small child, being asked and defenseless, finds it unbearable to believe thatbare no adults who love, support, and guide him; and if there are not, he invents them.
A small child, being weak and defenseless, finds it unbearable to believe thatbare no adults who love, support, and guide him; and if there are not, he invents them.
The language of the British people is today the most useful language in the world: It is the native tongue of the people of many nations and the second language of millions more, and has consequently become the language most convenient for international communication.
What I am, I have made myself.
What I am.
They remained standing.
An important consequence of this vast traffic in translated books is that it is perfectly possible for a Korean to keep abreast of current intellectual and artistic trends around the world even though he commamds no foreign language.
The little boy wants to be big and strong instead of small and helpless, and in imagination he can be Daddy going to work and coming home, perhaps, a cowboy or an Indian wining great contests.
The little boy wants to be big and strong instead of small and helpless, and in imagination he can be Daddy going to work and coming home,or later a cowboy or an Indian wining great contests.
I want to be a good man.
I want to be a doctor instead of teacher.
I can be a doctor.
He was really a simple, almost uninteresting person but all this wondering about him made him seem an enchanted character, and he reacted to their romancing by developing unusual behaviour quite foreign to his simple nature.
From this period we have a typical story of the wild man aspect of his nature that made people he lived with nervous and suspicious.
I made people I lived with nervous.
The middle-class housewife who does not think she is worth much as a worker, but wants to work, and gives her time to volunteer chores where she feels needed, but not valued.
When one nation subdues another that speaks a different language, the conquerors if their object is political power rather than just settlement may constitute an authority, or ruling class, which is numerically very much a minority.
The robot hand would move the bolt near the hole and begin to sense a force on one side of the bolt, which would tell the machine it hadn't got the bolt quite exactly where he hole was.
The force would tell the machine it hadn't got the bolt quite exactly where he hole was.
Similarly, love comics are believed to have caused many girls and young women a lot of disappointment.
They would just rely on good sense to solve their problems.
These women would not find it sufficiently amusing, when deprived of the spur of economic necessity, to cook and clean and mend, yet would be quite unable to find anything more amusing.
Anyone who makes it his life work to help other people may come to believe that they cannot get along without him, and may want to hear evidence that they can, all too often, stand on their own feet.
My function is to try to say things.
Philosophers make statement which are intended to be true.
The fact is that even experts are largely in the dark about how children learn their language when it comes down to details, so no parent is likely tonknow enough about the child's way of learning to be able to guide it by teaching.
지문에 사용된 특정 문장에 대한 궁금증은 해당 문장의 헬프fico쌤에 등록하는 것이 좋습니다.