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영어1 금성(최) 1~6과
영어1 금성(최) 1~6과
영어1 금성(최) 1~6과
본문 3과-4
문장 선택
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본문 3과-4
Not only do mirror neurons play a key role in human empathy, but they also accelerate the evolution of the brain, explaining the origin of language and culture. Many scientists view mirror neurons as the foundation of language development. At the heart of these scientists' theory is the unique human ability for complex imitation. They argue that being able to imitate another person's actions promotes not only a child's ability to acquire a language, but also an adult's ability to use language. Since the time when human beings began activating mirror neurons and learning through imitation, human languages and cultures have developed by leaps and bounds. This is why some scientists call the mirror neurons the "neurons that built civilization." Little did scientists expect that they would make this wonderful discovery. But this accidental discovery has made it possible for scientists to better understand the development of human behavior and civilization. In the past, people believed that there was no relationship between what we see and how we behave. It was the discovery of mirror neurons that proved this belief to be wrong. Based on this theory, people should be more careful about what they watch because some people who are in the habit of watching violent videos are likely to imitate what they see. They could imitate the violence without being able to notice the differences between fantasy and reality. So the next time you choose a TV program or movie to watch, you might want to think seriously about how it could affect your actual behavior through mirror neurons.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 Not only do mirror neurons play a key role in human empathy, but they also accelerate the evolution of the brain, explaining the origin of language and culture. 2 Many scientists view mirror neurons as the foundation of language development. 3 At the heart of these scientists' theory is the unique human ability for complex imitation. 4 They argue that being able to imitate another person's actions promotes not only a child's ability to acquire a language, but also an adult's ability to use language. 5 Since the time when human beings began activating mirror neurons and learning through imitation, human languages and cultures have developed by leaps and bounds. 6 This is why some scientists call the mirror neurons the "neurons that built civilization." 7 Little did scientists expect that they would make this wonderful discovery. 8 But this accidental discovery has made it possible for scientists to better understand the development of human behavior and civilization. 9 In the past, people believed that there was no relationship between what we see and how we behave. 10 It was the discovery of mirror neurons that proved this belief to be wrong. 11 Based on this theory, people should be more careful about what they watch because some people who are in the habit of watching violent videos are likely to imitate what they see. 12 They could imitate the violence without being able to notice the differences between fantasy and reality. 13 So the next time you choose a TV program or movie to watch, you might want to think seriously about how it could affect your actual behavior through mirror neurons.