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The global object provides variables and functions that are available anywhere. Required, but only if no default query function has been defined See Default Query Function for more information. In a browser it is named window, for NodeJs it is global, for other environments it may have another name. Recently, globalThis was added to the language, as a standardized name for a global object, that should be supported across all environments. In the specification, this feature is called a "contextual name". We'll use window here, assuming that our environment is a browser. It also works if the assignment is done via a default value. Function declarations have the same effect (statements with function keyword in the main code flow, not function expressions). Please don't rely on that! What's kind of funny, the name-assigning logic is smart. If a value is so important that you'd like to make it available globally, write it directly as a property. The code design where a function gets "input" variables and produces certain "outcome" is clearer, less prone to errors and easier to test than if it uses outer or global variables. We use the global object to test for support of modern language features. A good way to imagine functions is as callable "action objects". If the function does not provide one, then in an assignment it is figured out from the context. It also assigns the correct name to a function even if it's created without one, and then immediately assigned. We can not only call them, but also treat them as objects: add/remove properties, pass by reference etc. This behavior exists for compatibility reasons. If your script may run in other environments, it's better to use globalThis instead. It's supported in all major browsers. By default, those that are built into the language or the environment. Modern scripts use JavaScript modules where such a thing doesn't happen.
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1 The global object provides variables and functions that are available anywhere. 2 Required, but only if no default query function has been defined See Default Query Function for more information. 3 In a browser it is named window, for NodeJs it is global, for other environments it may have another name. 4 Recently, globalThis was added to the language, as a standardized name for a global object, that should be supported across all environments. 5 In the specification, this feature is called a "contextual name". 6 We'll use window here, assuming that our environment is a browser. 7 It also works if the assignment is done via a default value. 8 Function declarations have the same effect (statements with function keyword in the main code flow, not function expressions). 9 Please don't rely on that! 10 What's kind of funny, the name-assigning logic is smart. 11 If a value is so important that you'd like to make it available globally, write it directly as a property. 12 The code design where a function gets "input" variables and produces certain "outcome" is clearer, less prone to errors and easier to test than if it uses outer or global variables. 13 We use the global object to test for support of modern language features. 14 A good way to imagine functions is as callable "action objects". 15 If the function does not provide one, then in an assignment it is figured out from the context. 16 It also assigns the correct name to a function even if it's created without one, and then immediately assigned. 17 We can not only call them, but also treat them as objects: add/remove properties, pass by reference etc. 18 This behavior exists for compatibility reasons. 19 If your script may run in other environments, it's better to use globalThis instead. 20 It's supported in all major browsers. 21 By default, those that are built into the language or the environment. 22 Modern scripts use JavaScript modules where such a thing doesn't happen.