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The상승 수능유형편(2024) Part 5~6
The상승 수능유형편(2024) Part 5~6
The상승 수능유형편(2024) Part 5~6
PART 5 ─ 02 순서 장문 - 1~3번
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PART 5 ─ 02 순서 장문 - 1~3번
Louis Braille, best known for the system that shares his name, was born on January 4, 1809, in Coupvray, France. When he was only three, Louis lost his sight in an accident. Later, he became a student at the Paris Blind School. Desperately wanting to read, he discovered that the school did have books designed to be read by the blind. The books used very large, raised letters that could be touched. Unfortunately, due to the large size of the letters, it took Louis a very long time to read a sentence. To solve this problem, Louis searched for a more efficient way for the blind to read. Luckily, someone at the school told him about a code being used by the French army to deliver messages at night. French officers used the code to create messages using dots and dashes instead of letters. They were raised above the paper so that the soldiers on the battlefield could read by touch without any light at night. Louis tried reading this code himself. It was raised like the gigantic letters in the library's books, but the dashes and dots were much smaller. It was easier, but it still took a long time to read. Dashes took up too much space, which meant each page contained only one or two sentences. Louis felt that he could make a better system. At home for vacation, Louis sat in his father's leather shop, surrounded by all of his father's tools. While working on creating a new system, Louis unintentionally touched one of his awls. Suddenly, he realized the tool could help him make his new alphabet. He spent days working on it, basing it on six dots that could be arranged in different ways to represent the letters of the alphabet. He used the awl to punch out a sentence and attempted to read it. It all made sense. That was the moment when the Braille alphabet was created!
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1 Louis Braille, best known for the system that shares his name, was born on January 4, 1809, in Coupvray, France. 2 When he was only three, Louis lost his sight in an accident. 3 Later, he became a student at the Paris Blind School. 4 Desperately wanting to read, he discovered that the school did have books designed to be read by the blind. 5 The books used very large, raised letters that could be touched. 6 Unfortunately, due to the large size of the letters, it took Louis a very long time to read a sentence. 7 To solve this problem, Louis searched for a more efficient way for the blind to read. 8 Luckily, someone at the school told him about a code being used by the French army to deliver messages at night. 9 French officers used the code to create messages using dots and dashes instead of letters. 10 They were raised above the paper so that the soldiers on the battlefield could read by touch without any light at night. 11 Louis tried reading this code himself. 12 It was raised like the gigantic letters in the library's books, but the dashes and dots were much smaller. 13 It was easier, but it still took a long time to read. 14 Dashes took up too much space, which meant each page contained only one or two sentences. 15 Louis felt that he could make a better system. 16 At home for vacation, Louis sat in his father's leather shop, surrounded by all of his father's tools. 17 While working on creating a new system, Louis unintentionally touched one of his awls. 18 Suddenly, he realized the tool could help him make his new alphabet. 19 He spent days working on it, basing it on six dots that could be arranged in different ways to represent the letters of the alphabet. 20 He used the awl to punch out a sentence and attempted to read it. 21 It all made sense. 22 That was the moment when the Braille alphabet was created!