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영어2 금성(최) 1~6과
영어2 금성(최) 1~6과
영어2 금성(최) 1~6과
본문 5과-3
문장 선택
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본문 5과-3
What boosts the impact of communication on a group's achievement is interdisciplinarity, or how diverse the group members are. Interdisciplinary groups are groups whose members specialize in a variety of fields of study. These groups tend to accomplish more than a group of just scientists or a group of only artists by mixing the best of the various fields. Steve Jobs was very well aware of the importance of communication among experts from various fields. He believed that the best work is created when people from different fields are connected together and when people with different backgrounds and knowledge encourage each other to think out of the box. He claimed that without such interaction, success would be very difficult to achieve. This very philosophy was reflected in the design of his animation studio. The original architectural plan called for three buildings, with separate offices for the computer scientists, the animators, and the CEOs. However, in order to encourage interaction among the employees, Jobs insisted that a single building be constructed with an airy space at its center. The purpose of creating this empty hall was to force the computer programmers and animators to collaborate and exchange ideas freely. That emphasis on communication, even though it came at the expense of convenience, was met with an unbelievable result: every one of the studio's animations has been a commercial success, with an average international profit of more than $550 million per animation from 1995 to 2011.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 What boosts the impact of communication on a group's achievement is interdisciplinarity, or how diverse the group members are. 2 Interdisciplinary groups are groups whose members specialize in a variety of fields of study. 3 These groups tend to accomplish more than a group of just scientists or a group of only artists by mixing the best of the various fields. 4 Steve Jobs was very well aware of the importance of communication among experts from various fields. 5 He believed that the best work is created when people from different fields are connected together and when people with different backgrounds and knowledge encourage each other to think out of the box. 6 He claimed that without such interaction, success would be very difficult to achieve. 7 This very philosophy was reflected in the design of his animation studio. 8 The original architectural plan called for three buildings, with separate offices for the computer scientists, the animators, and the CEOs. 9 However, in order to encourage interaction among the employees, Jobs insisted that a single building be constructed with an airy space at its center. 10 The purpose of creating this empty hall was to force the computer programmers and animators to collaborate and exchange ideas freely. 11 That emphasis on communication, even though it came at the expense of convenience, was met with an unbelievable result: every one of the studio's animations has been a commercial success, with an average international profit of more than $550 million per animation from 1995 to 2011.