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Smart factories are highly automated and connected factories which are relied on advanced technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, and robotics to optimize production processes and enhance operational efficiency. IoT sensors can continuously monitor factory conditions such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels. IoT sensors can continuously monitor manufacturing parameters such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels. Real-time monitoring: IoT sensors can continuously monitor factory conditions such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels. IoT sensors can be used to track energy consumption in real time across the facility, from manufacturing lines to lighting and heating systems. Energy Monitoring: IoT sensors can be used to monitor energy usage in real-time across different areas of the factory, from production lines to lighting and heating systems. This enables managers to optimize equipment usage, reduce downtime, and improve maintenance schedules. IoT sensors are able to gather and communicate information about machinery and equipment, including information on temperature, vibration, and energy usage during chip formation process. This allows manufacturers to optimize their processes, decrease environmental pollution, and increase flexibility to respond quickly to changing market demands. The Internet of Things is playing a significant role in the transformation of traditional factories into smart factories in Industry 4 by using network of interconnected devices, sensors, and software to monitor and optimize the production process. Applications of internet of things in smart factories such as predictive maintenance, asset tracking, inventory management, quality control, production process monitoring, energy efficiency and supply chain optimization are reviewed. To analyze and enhance the impact of internet of thing in smart factories of industry 4, a review is presented. A review is offered to examine and improve the impact of the internet of things in smart factories of industry 4. Moreover, IoT is a powerful technology which can optimize inventory management in smart factories to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide real-time visibility into inventory levels and movements. Suppliers can use IoT-enabled tracking devices to monitor shipments and provide real-time updates on delivery times and locations in order to analyze and optimize the supply chain in smart factories. Also, IoT can provide a more comprehensive view of the factory environment to enhance workplace safety by identifying potential hazards and alerting workers to potential dangers. To monitor and optimize energy usage during part manufacturing, manufacturers can obtain real-time insights into energy consumption patterns by deploying IoT sensors in smart factories. Predictive maintenance using the IoT in smart factories can also be used to prevent machine failures, reduce downtime, and extend the lifespan of equipment.
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1 Smart factories are highly automated and connected factories which are relied on advanced technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, and robotics to optimize production processes and enhance operational efficiency. 2 IoT sensors can continuously monitor factory conditions such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels. 3 IoT sensors can continuously monitor manufacturing parameters such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels. 4 Real-time monitoring: IoT sensors can continuously monitor factory conditions such as temperature, humidity, and gas levels. 5 IoT sensors can be used to track energy consumption in real time across the facility, from manufacturing lines to lighting and heating systems. 6 Energy Monitoring: IoT sensors can be used to monitor energy usage in real-time across different areas of the factory, from production lines to lighting and heating systems. 7 This enables managers to optimize equipment usage, reduce downtime, and improve maintenance schedules. 8 IoT sensors are able to gather and communicate information about machinery and equipment, including information on temperature, vibration, and energy usage during chip formation process. 9 This allows manufacturers to optimize their processes, decrease environmental pollution, and increase flexibility to respond quickly to changing market demands. 10 The Internet of Things is playing a significant role in the transformation of traditional factories into smart factories in Industry 4 by using network of interconnected devices, sensors, and software to monitor and optimize the production process. 11 Applications of internet of things in smart factories such as predictive maintenance, asset tracking, inventory management, quality control, production process monitoring, energy efficiency and supply chain optimization are reviewed. 12 To analyze and enhance the impact of internet of thing in smart factories of industry 4, a review is presented. 13 A review is offered to examine and improve the impact of the internet of things in smart factories of industry 4. 14 Moreover, IoT is a powerful technology which can optimize inventory management in smart factories to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide real-time visibility into inventory levels and movements. 15 Suppliers can use IoT-enabled tracking devices to monitor shipments and provide real-time updates on delivery times and locations in order to analyze and optimize the supply chain in smart factories. 16 Also, IoT can provide a more comprehensive view of the factory environment to enhance workplace safety by identifying potential hazards and alerting workers to potential dangers. 17 To monitor and optimize energy usage during part manufacturing, manufacturers can obtain real-time insights into energy consumption patterns by deploying IoT sensors in smart factories. 18 Predictive maintenance using the IoT in smart factories can also be used to prevent machine failures, reduce downtime, and extend the lifespan of equipment.