2025. Reading Is An Intelligent Sport.
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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
language learning language learning
language learning
language learning
syntactic and morphologic 1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
syntactic and morphologic 1
A measure of increase in syntactic complexity of elementary school and high school students is the mean number of words in utterances, most of which may be complete sentences. Obviously, longer sentences contain more words, and the longer the sentences, the higher the syntactic skills required to produce them. Studies have shown that there is a small but gradual increase in the number of words per utterance as the child advances from the lower to higher grades. For instance, utterance of first graders contain about seven words on average, whereas the utterances of twelfth graders may contain more than 11 words. Similar changes are seen in the writing samples of school-age children. For instance, writing samples of sixth graders may contain about nine words per sentence, whereas writing samples of twelfth graders may contain more than13 words. Sentence lengths may be somewhat different in different kinds of language productions. For example, 7-year-old children may produce about six morphemes in conversational speech but more than seven morphemes when they narrate a story or personal experience. In contrast, 13-year-olds may produce about sever morphemes per utterance in conversation and more than nine in narration. In writing, too, the sentence length may depend on the kind of writing. Generally, an essay in which the student presents arguments to persuade a reader on an issue will contain longer sentences than will an essay that simply describes a personal experience. Older student's syntactic complexity also may increase in other ways. For example, the language of children in the higher grades tends to contain more uncommon sentence types than does the language of children in the lower grades. One of the low frequency syntactic structures is the use of an appositive, in which one noun phrase is followed by another that refers to the first noun. For instance, in the sentence "Ottawa, the capital of Canada is a beautiful city", the appositive is "the capital of Canada", which refers to "Ottawa".
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 A measure of increase in syntactic complexity of elementary school and high school students is the mean number of words in utterances, most of which may be complete sentences. 2 Obviously, longer sentences contain more words, and the longer the sentences, the higher the syntactic skills required to produce them. 3 Studies have shown that there is a small but gradual increase in the number of words per utterance as the child advances from the lower to higher grades. 4 For instance, utterance of first graders contain about seven words on average, whereas the utterances of twelfth graders may contain more than 11 words. 5 Similar changes are seen in the writing samples of school-age children. 6 For instance, writing samples of sixth graders may contain about nine words per sentence, whereas writing samples of twelfth graders may contain more than13 words. 7 Sentence lengths may be somewhat different in different kinds of language productions. 8 For example, 7-year-old children may produce about six morphemes in conversational speech but more than seven morphemes when they narrate a story or personal experience. 9 In contrast, 13-year-olds may produce about sever morphemes per utterance in conversation and more than nine in narration. 10 In writing, too, the sentence length may depend on the kind of writing. 11 Generally, an essay in which the student presents arguments to persuade a reader on an issue will contain longer sentences than will an essay that simply describes a personal experience. 12 Older student's syntactic complexity also may increase in other ways. 13 For example, the language of children in the higher grades tends to contain more uncommon sentence types than does the language of children in the lower grades. 14 One of the low frequency syntactic structures is the use of an appositive, in which one noun phrase is followed by another that refers to the first noun. 15 For instance, in the sentence "Ottawa, the capital of Canada is a beautiful city", the appositive is "the capital of Canada", which refers to "Ottawa".