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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
language learning language learning
language learning
language learning
theory, nativist 1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
theory, nativist 1
Though much needs to be known, scientists have a fair understanding of what is learned in the language learning process. What is not so clear is how language learned, though there is no dearth of studies or theories on that question. Through their language, people communicate socially. Animals, too, communicate with each other, but this communication is limited. Animals communicate through movements, postures, and limited vocal responses. Although animals, especially chimpanzees, have been taught some surprising forms of communication, the most complex form of oral, manual, and other symbolic communication for which the word 'language' is used is found only in humans. Although each language is unique in certain respects, all languages share many universal characteristics. For example, rules of word formation and word combination exist in all languages. It is known that children normally acquire language rapidly. Within the first 5 to 6 years, children acquire the basic structures and functions of a very complex and abstract system of communication. Most children seem to go through similar sequences of language acquisition, although there are individual differences in the rate of acquisition. It also appears that children do not seem to need or receive systematic, formal, and extended instruction in learning to speak. These and other observations about how children learn language have had to a well-known theory of language acquisition which is the nativist theory. The modern nativist theory of language acquisition is based on some ancient ideas because nativism is an ancient philosophy. For example, early Greek thinkers explained human knowledge on the basis of nativism. They suggested that much of human knowledge is innate, which means that it is already present when the child is born. Nativism assumes that certain forms of knowledge are not learned but innately given. Chomsky, the linguist who proposed the transformational generative theory of grammar, received nativism in the study of language. Chomsky suggested that language is not learned through environmental stimulation, social interaction, positive reinforcement, or teaching. The basic knowledge necessary to acquire language is already present at the time a child is born. As already described, Chomsky made a distinction between competence and performance. He said that competence, which includes the knowledge of the rules of universal grammar, is innate. Because of this competence, the child can learn language without much help from the parents, siblings, or other caregivers. Chomsky's ideas quickly became popular, and many other experts who studied language acquisition proposed variations of the basic nativist theory. One such variation states that children are born with an innate mechanism of language acquisition called the Language Acquisition Device. Presumably, it is a part of all children's biological makeup.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Though much needs to be known, scientists have a fair understanding of what is learned in the language learning process. 2 What is not so clear is how language learned, though there is no dearth of studies or theories on that question. 3 Through their language, people communicate socially. 4 Animals, too, communicate with each other, but this communication is limited. 5 Animals communicate through movements, postures, and limited vocal responses. 6 Although animals, especially chimpanzees, have been taught some surprising forms of communication, the most complex form of oral, manual, and other symbolic communication for which the word 'language' is used is found only in humans. 7 Although each language is unique in certain respects, all languages share many universal characteristics. 8 For example, rules of word formation and word combination exist in all languages. 9 It is known that children normally acquire language rapidly. 10 Within the first 5 to 6 years, children acquire the basic structures and functions of a very complex and abstract system of communication. 11 Most children seem to go through similar sequences of language acquisition, although there are individual differences in the rate of acquisition. 12 It also appears that children do not seem to need or receive systematic, formal, and extended instruction in learning to speak. 13 These and other observations about how children learn language have had to a well-known theory of language acquisition which is the nativist theory. 14 The modern nativist theory of language acquisition is based on some ancient ideas because nativism is an ancient philosophy. 15 For example, early Greek thinkers explained human knowledge on the basis of nativism. 16 They suggested that much of human knowledge is innate, which means that it is already present when the child is born. 17 Nativism assumes that certain forms of knowledge are not learned but innately given. 18 Chomsky, the linguist who proposed the transformational generative theory of grammar, received nativism in the study of language. 19 Chomsky suggested that language is not learned through environmental stimulation, social interaction, positive reinforcement, or teaching. 20 The basic knowledge necessary to acquire language is already present at the time a child is born. 21 As already described, Chomsky made a distinction between competence and performance. 22 He said that competence, which includes the knowledge of the rules of universal grammar, is innate. 23 Because of this competence, the child can learn language without much help from the parents, siblings, or other caregivers. 24 Chomsky's ideas quickly became popular, and many other experts who studied language acquisition proposed variations of the basic nativist theory. 25 One such variation states that children are born with an innate mechanism of language acquisition called the Language Acquisition Device. 26 Presumably, it is a part of all children's biological makeup.