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문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
The interactions between parents and their children are thought to be the most essential process since they have a significant impact on the children's later development (i.e., social development, language). Parent-child interactions are a broad term that refers to the patterns of interaction between parents and children that indicate the quality of their connection. Through scaffolding, responsiveness, and collaborative attention, parents' behaviors impact children's social traits. Adequate and contingent parental responses are behaviors that promote advances in the development of children's language. Maternal interactions with children which are supportive and nurturing may lead to positive socio-emotional and language outcomes, while controlling and intrusive interactions may lead to negative outcomes, including language acquisition. The role of maternal interaction with their child was emphasized by several studies. They recommended frequent maternal labeling, expansion of child's utterances, speaking to the child in a grammatically correct fashion, and interactive storytelling. Characteristics of the parent-child interaction that were related to positive child functioning include lower levels of controlling and intrusive responses, higher levels of joining the child, enjoyment of the child and support of reciprocity, higher levels of parental responsiveness, and higher parental synchrony. Researchers suggest that there is an 'idiosyncratic feedback cycle' in which the toddler's language delay influences the parents and vice versa. It is considered that toddler's language delay influences the parent to deliver less than ideal input as a direct result of the parent striving to compensate for the child's inadequacies as part of this feedback loop. Researchers describe the interaction styles of caretakers of children with language delay as a continual cycle of inadequate feedback loops that occur between child and caregivers. The difficulties these children have in structuring and organizing their environment due to intrinsic factors, such as attentional, memory or other processing deficits, lead them to provide inadequate feedback to their caregivers. In turn, these ambiguous cues prompt adults to use a pattern of interactive techniques that may compound the child's difficulties and be less than optimal for language acquisition.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 The interactions between parents and their children are thought to be the most essential process since they have a significant impact on the children's later development (i.e., social development, language). 2 Parent-child interactions are a broad term that refers to the patterns of interaction between parents and children that indicate the quality of their connection. 3 Through scaffolding, responsiveness, and collaborative attention, parents' behaviors impact children's social traits. 4 Adequate and contingent parental responses are behaviors that promote advances in the development of children's language. 5 Maternal interactions with children which are supportive and nurturing may lead to positive socio-emotional and language outcomes, while controlling and intrusive interactions may lead to negative outcomes, including language acquisition. 6 The role of maternal interaction with their child was emphasized by several studies. 7 They recommended frequent maternal labeling, expansion of child's utterances, speaking to the child in a grammatically correct fashion, and interactive storytelling. 8 Characteristics of the parent-child interaction that were related to positive child functioning include lower levels of controlling and intrusive responses, higher levels of joining the child, enjoyment of the child and support of reciprocity, higher levels of parental responsiveness, and higher parental synchrony. 9 Researchers suggest that there is an 'idiosyncratic feedback cycle' in which the toddler's language delay influences the parents and vice versa. 10 It is considered that toddler's language delay influences the parent to deliver less than ideal input as a direct result of the parent striving to compensate for the child's inadequacies as part of this feedback loop. 11 Researchers describe the interaction styles of caretakers of children with language delay as a continual cycle of inadequate feedback loops that occur between child and caregivers. 12 The difficulties these children have in structuring and organizing their environment due to intrinsic factors, such as attentional, memory or other processing deficits, lead them to provide inadequate feedback to their caregivers. 13 In turn, these ambiguous cues prompt adults to use a pattern of interactive techniques that may compound the child's difficulties and be less than optimal for language acquisition.