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Moreover, children with DLD have also been demonstrated to have emotion recognition difficulties. Compared to children with ASD, their skills have been far less researched, but some findings have been presented on the nature of their social-emotional skills. There is evidence that children and adolescents with DLD have difficulty recognizing both simple and complex emotions. Children with DLD often have difficulties with social competence, and this has usually been thought to result from poor communication skills, however, also argue that difficulties the children with DLD have with social competence, are partly due to emotion recognition difficulties. In the recent study, typically developing children were compared to children with ASD and children with DLD. They found that the 4 to 11-year-old children with ASD and DLD performed significantly worse than typically developing children at recognizing emotions from both face and voice. The authors concluded that emotion recognition difficulties were specifically due to poor linguistic skills in both of these groups. Some researchers found that 9-year-old children with DLD recognized emotions from faces and named emotions even worse than same-age children with ASD. Based on what is already known about emotion recognition skills, the strongest evidence that currently exists concerns associations with Theory of Mind(ToM), language and working memory skills. ToM skills have been found to be delayed in children with ASD and some children with ADHD and DLD. Furthermore, ToM skills are strongly and directly associated with emotion recognition problems, without mediating factors. Language has been shown to be an important mediating factors in emotion recognition skills. Researchers noticed that there is also evidence of shared deficits among children with ASD, ADHD and DLD in, for example, attention skills, short-term memory and self-regulation skills. They found that working memory difficulties were extremely prevalent in all these diagnostic groups, with the children with DLD having the most severe problems. In sum, it is still unclear which underlying factors can explain the emotion recognition difficulties in these three disorders and to what extent different language and cognitive functions are needed for emotion recognition even in typical development. To the best of our knowledge, no other study has included both ASD, ADHD and DLD and explored the interrelationships between the linguistic and cognitive factors and emotion recognition as extensively as we aim to do in this study.
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1 Moreover, children with DLD have also been demonstrated to have emotion recognition difficulties. 2 Compared to children with ASD, their skills have been far less researched, but some findings have been presented on the nature of their social-emotional skills. 3 There is evidence that children and adolescents with DLD have difficulty recognizing both simple and complex emotions. 4 Children with DLD often have difficulties with social competence, and this has usually been thought to result from poor communication skills, however, also argue that difficulties the children with DLD have with social competence, are partly due to emotion recognition difficulties. 5 In the recent study, typically developing children were compared to children with ASD and children with DLD. 6 They found that the 4 to 11-year-old children with ASD and DLD performed significantly worse than typically developing children at recognizing emotions from both face and voice. 7 The authors concluded that emotion recognition difficulties were specifically due to poor linguistic skills in both of these groups. 8 Some researchers found that 9-year-old children with DLD recognized emotions from faces and named emotions even worse than same-age children with ASD. 9 Based on what is already known about emotion recognition skills, the strongest evidence that currently exists concerns associations with Theory of Mind(ToM), language and working memory skills. 10 ToM skills have been found to be delayed in children with ASD and some children with ADHD and DLD. 11 Furthermore, ToM skills are strongly and directly associated with emotion recognition problems, without mediating factors. 12 Language has been shown to be an important mediating factors in emotion recognition skills. 13 Researchers noticed that there is also evidence of shared deficits among children with ASD, ADHD and DLD in, for example, attention skills, short-term memory and self-regulation skills. 14 They found that working memory difficulties were extremely prevalent in all these diagnostic groups, with the children with DLD having the most severe problems. 15 In sum, it is still unclear which underlying factors can explain the emotion recognition difficulties in these three disorders and to what extent different language and cognitive functions are needed for emotion recognition even in typical development. 16 To the best of our knowledge, no other study has included both ASD, ADHD and DLD and explored the interrelationships between the linguistic and cognitive factors and emotion recognition as extensively as we aim to do in this study.