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Many people like 5 to ride in hot air balloons, but not many of them know how they work. So the pilot must go up or down until he finds wind 20 blowing in the direction he wants to go. It is harder for the pilot to make the balloon go in a certain direction. Going down is not so difficult either. When the burners are turned on, the air gets hotter and hotter and the balloon keeps rising. A balloon filled with heated air can rise because the air surrounding the balloon is cooler. I am a student,. Hot air balloons have been around for over 200 years. There are two categories of them. When artists draw or paint pictures, they have many types of materials to choose from. They cannot get you where you want to go fast, but they can give you a wonderful view. Hot air balloons are based on a simple scientific principle, which is that warm air rises when it is surrounded by cooler air. Oil paint, watercolors, and acrylic paint are the three main types of wet media. The air in a hot air balloon is heated using burners. So going up is easy. The pilot pulls a rope which opens a hole in the balloon. These include oil paint, watercolors, acrylic paint, pastels, pencils, and charcoal. The balloon goes in whatever direction the wind blows and the direction of the wind is different depending on the height. Therefore, they are mainly used for tourists. They are called wet media because they are wet when the artist applies them and then dry over time. The burners are directly under the bottom opening of the balloon. Each type of medium has its own characteristics, so artists choose them depending on what type of work they want to create. People can float over famous cities and admire the great view.
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1 Many people like 5 to ride in hot air balloons, but not many of them know how they work. 2 So the pilot must go up or down until he finds wind 20 blowing in the direction he wants to go. 3 It is harder for the pilot to make the balloon go in a certain direction. 4 Going down is not so difficult either. 5 When the burners are turned on, the air gets hotter and hotter and the balloon keeps rising. 6 A balloon filled with heated air can rise because the air surrounding the balloon is cooler. 7 I am a student,. 8 Hot air balloons have been around for over 200 years. 9 There are two categories of them. 10 When artists draw or paint pictures, they have many types of materials to choose from. 11 They cannot get you where you want to go fast, but they can give you a wonderful view. 12 Hot air balloons are based on a simple scientific principle, which is that warm air rises when it is surrounded by cooler air. 13 Oil paint, watercolors, and acrylic paint are the three main types of wet media. 14 The air in a hot air balloon is heated using burners. 15 So going up is easy. 16 The pilot pulls a rope which opens a hole in the balloon. 17 These include oil paint, watercolors, acrylic paint, pastels, pencils, and charcoal. 18 The balloon goes in whatever direction the wind blows and the direction of the wind is different depending on the height. 19 Therefore, they are mainly used for tourists. 20 They are called wet media because they are wet when the artist applies them and then dry over time. 21 The burners are directly under the bottom opening of the balloon. 22 Each type of medium has its own characteristics, so artists choose them depending on what type of work they want to create. 23 People can float over famous cities and admire the great view.