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파사쥬 고등 영어영역 유형독해(2019) - Section Ⅴ
파사쥬 고등 영어영역 유형독해(2019) - Section Ⅴ
파사쥬 고등 영어영역 유형독해(2019) - Section Ⅴ
유형 05 - 기출 Example 01~02
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유형 05 - 기출 Example 01~02
Industrial capitalism not only created work, it also created 'leisure' in the modern sense of the term. This might seem surprising, for the early cotton masters wanted to keep their machinery running as long as possible and forced their employees to work very long hours. However, by requiring continuous work during work hours and ruling out non-work activity, employers had separated out leisure from work. Some did this quite explicitly by creating distinct holiday periods, when factories were shut down, because it was better to do this than have work disrupted by the casual taking of days off. 'Leisure' as a distinct non-work time, whether in the form of the holiday, weekend, or evening, was a result of the disciplined and bounded work time created by capitalist production. Workers then wanted more leisure and leisure time was enlarged by union campaigns, which first started in the cotton industry, and eventually new laws were passed that limited the hours of work and gave workers holiday entitlements. Leisure was also the creation of capitalism in another sense, through the commercialization of leisure. This no longer meant participation in traditional sports and pastimes. Workers began to pay for leisure activities organized by capitalist enterprises. Mass travel to spectator sports, especially football and horse-racing, where people could be charged for entry, was now possible. The importance of this can hardly be exaggerated, for whole new industries were emerging to exploit and develop the leisure market, which was to become a huge source of consumer demand, employment, and profit.
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1 Industrial capitalism not only created work, it also created 'leisure' in the modern sense of the term. 2 This might seem surprising, for the early cotton masters wanted to keep their machinery running as long as possible and forced their employees to work very long hours. 3 However, by requiring continuous work during work hours and ruling out non-work activity, employers had separated out leisure from work. 4 Some did this quite explicitly by creating distinct holiday periods, when factories were shut down, because it was better to do this than have work disrupted by the casual taking of days off. 5 'Leisure' as a distinct non-work time, whether in the form of the holiday, weekend, or evening, was a result of the disciplined and bounded work time created by capitalist production. 6 Workers then wanted more leisure and leisure time was enlarged by union campaigns, which first started in the cotton industry, and eventually new laws were passed that limited the hours of work and gave workers holiday entitlements. 7 Leisure was also the creation of capitalism in another sense, through the commercialization of leisure. 8 This no longer meant participation in traditional sports and pastimes. 9 Workers began to pay for leisure activities organized by capitalist enterprises. 10 Mass travel to spectator sports, especially football and horse-racing, where people could be charged for entry, was now possible. 11 The importance of this can hardly be exaggerated, for whole new industries were emerging to exploit and develop the leisure market, which was to become a huge source of consumer demand, employment, and profit.