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파사쥬 고등 영어영역 유형독해(2019) - Section Ⅴ
파사쥬 고등 영어영역 유형독해(2019) - Section Ⅴ
파사쥬 고등 영어영역 유형독해(2019) - Section Ⅴ
유형 06 - Practice More(1~3)
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
유형 06 - Practice More(1~3)
Long ago the gods were lazy. They made the land and the seas, but felt bothered to make all of the animals that would live in the world. Zeus, the king of the gods, decided to find someone else to do that job instead of them. He finally passed that job over to Prometheus, a titan. Now some would be reluctant to do such a difficult job, but not a titan named "forethought." He was a natural-born planner, and he loved to make things. "If there is nothing there, then I will have to make it," he said as he set to work. He began deciding what kinds of animals the world would need. Gathering clay and mud, leaves and sticks, and some of the magic from Mount Olympus, Prometheus made animals like deer and rabbits to trim the plants so they wouldn't grow across the forest paths. He made animals like wolves and foxes to feed on the deer and rabbits so they didn't eat all of the plants in the world. For centuries, the titan worked very hard. One day, Prometheus looked at the list of jobs that Zeus had given him. It was still very long. He began to think that he would never complete this task, and that made him angry. Why should he work so hard as the gods lazed around in the shade? In a moment of anger, Prometheus lifted the huge half-finished creature he was making and smashed it on the ground. The creature broke into thousands of pieces. But those pieces were no longer just clay and wood. They had touched the hands of a god. Those tiny pieces sprouted wings and tiny legs. They scurried or flew or hopped into the world. They were the first insects and spiders, and to this day they do the thousands of jobs that other creatures cannot do: pollinating flowers, consuming the dead, and feeding the smallest birds and bats. That's the way it was and still is.
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상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Long ago the gods were lazy. 2 They made the land and the seas, but felt bothered to make all of the animals that would live in the world. 3 Zeus, the king of the gods, decided to find someone else to do that job instead of them. 4 He finally passed that job over to Prometheus, a titan. 5 Now some would be reluctant to do such a difficult job, but not a titan named "forethought." 6 He was a natural-born planner, and he loved to make things. 7 "If there is nothing there, then I will have to make it," he said as he set to work. 8 He began deciding what kinds of animals the world would need. 9 Gathering clay and mud, leaves and sticks, and some of the magic from Mount Olympus, Prometheus made animals like deer and rabbits to trim the plants so they wouldn't grow across the forest paths. 10 He made animals like wolves and foxes to feed on the deer and rabbits so they didn't eat all of the plants in the world. 11 For centuries, the titan worked very hard. 12 One day, Prometheus looked at the list of jobs that Zeus had given him. 13 It was still very long. 14 He began to think that he would never complete this task, and that made him angry. 15 Why should he work so hard as the gods lazed around in the shade? 16 In a moment of anger, Prometheus lifted the huge half-finished creature he was making and smashed it on the ground. 17 The creature broke into thousands of pieces. 18 But those pieces were no longer just clay and wood. 19 They had touched the hands of a god. 20 Those tiny pieces sprouted wings and tiny legs. 21 They scurried or flew or hopped into the world. 22 They were the first insects and spiders, and to this day they do the thousands of jobs that other creatures cannot do: pollinating flowers, consuming the dead, and feeding the smallest birds and bats. 23 That's the way it was and still is.