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All PA gel exposures were filmed with 4us shutter speed and 20,000 frames per second. We used the Photogenic PowerLight 2500 DR—a continuous, disperse light source (Photogenic Professional Lighting, Bartlett, IL, USA)—positioned at an angle slightly off-axis from the camera lens to backlight the gel phantom. In ex vivo tissue samples, the treatments were observed with B-mode ultrasound (Sonix RP, Ultrasonix) with the imaging probe (P4-2) positioned in the tank perpendicu- larly to the transducer axis (Fig 1a). Focal pressure waveforms. The focal pressure waveforms produced by the transducer at different output power levels and different frequencies were measured in water by a fiber optic probe hydrophone (FOPH 2000, RP Acoustics, Leutenbach, Germany). The representative waveforms are shown in Figure 2. In order to equilibrate the exposure levels across different frequencies, the direct current voltage of the power source, V0, corresponding to the condition of fully developed shocks, was determined for each frequency. The condition of fully developed shock was defined following Rosnitskiy et al. (2015), as the output level when the peak positive pressure, p1, and the shock amplitude, As, are equal; i.e., when the lower pressure value at the shock 5 0 (Fig 2, black lines). This condition corresponded to the lowest output power used in this work and will therefore be referred to as "low output level". In accord with the findings in Rosnitskiy et al. (2015), the shock amplitude under the condition of developed shocks was only weakly dependent on frequency, provided the F-number of the transducer is the same, and ranged within 67–72 MPa for 1.9–1 MHz, correspondingly, for the transducer used in this study (F-number 5 1.05). A slightly lower shock amplitude at higher frequency is explained by stronger accumulation of non-linear effects on the way to the focus. For higher frequencies, non-linear effects accumulate over longer distance, measured in wavelengths of the fundamental frequency. Therefore, lower transducer surface pressure levels are necessary for forming the shock and the shock itself has a lower amplitude when formed.
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1 All PA gel exposures were filmed with 4us shutter speed and 20,000 frames per second. 2 We used the Photogenic PowerLight 2500 DR—a continuous, disperse light source (Photogenic Professional Lighting, Bartlett, IL, USA)—positioned at an angle slightly off-axis from the camera lens to backlight the gel phantom. 3 In ex vivo tissue samples, the treatments were observed with B-mode ultrasound (Sonix RP, Ultrasonix) with the imaging probe (P4-2) positioned in the tank perpendicu- larly to the transducer axis (Fig 1a). 4 Focal pressure waveforms. 5 The focal pressure waveforms produced by the transducer at different output power levels and different frequencies were measured in water by a fiber optic probe hydrophone (FOPH 2000, RP Acoustics, Leutenbach, Germany). 6 The representative waveforms are shown in Figure 2. 7 In order to equilibrate the exposure levels across different frequencies, the direct current voltage of the power source, V0, corresponding to the condition of fully developed shocks, was determined for each frequency. 8 The condition of fully developed shock was defined following Rosnitskiy et al. (2015), as the output level when the peak positive pressure, p1, and the shock amplitude, As, are equal; i.e., when the lower pressure value at the shock 5 0 (Fig 2, black lines). 9 This condition corresponded to the lowest output power used in this work and will therefore be referred to as "low output level". 10 In accord with the findings in Rosnitskiy et al. (2015), the shock amplitude under the condition of developed shocks was only weakly dependent on frequency, provided the F-number of the transducer is the same, and ranged within 67–72 MPa for 1.9–1 MHz, correspondingly, for the transducer used in this study (F-number 5 1.05). 11 A slightly lower shock amplitude at higher frequency is explained by stronger accumulation of non-linear effects on the way to the focus. 12 For higher frequencies, non-linear effects accumulate over longer distance, measured in wavelengths of the fundamental frequency. 13 Therefore, lower transducer surface pressure levels are necessary for forming the shock and the shock itself has a lower amplitude when formed.