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In this study it's found matrix filled with nano-PbO have higher gamma shielding ability compared to micro-PbO matrix at the same filler concentration. The linear attenuation coeffcient LAC is the main parameter used in this study that using to evaluate the effciency of the radiation protection material. Strain relationship and was observed from the dynamic compressive test of free silicone rubber relatively poor compared to flled samples, where nano composites are better stress efect than micro composites in the same concentration. It represents in case of 20 wt% and 50 wt% nano fller sample, PbO nanoparticle is distributed homogeneous, which increase interpenetration between SR and PbO nano particle. By using catalyzed crosslinking reactions silicon are converted to elastomeric solid structure about 2 wt% stifener was added to polymer liquid. Silicon rubber was used as a polymer where the original state is liquid. Because of the low electron density of nanomaterial compared to bulk materials, high-Z nanoparticles added nanomaterial will produce comparatively low bremsstrahlung, optimize mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the silicon matrix compared to the bulk material. However, the use of gamma rays not only damage, cancer cells, but also healthy cells is killed through the process which called organs at risk. It can say that SR-nano PbO has a higher radiation protection than SR-micro PbO compositions. Dimethyl polysiloxane (Silicon Rubber) Mixed with micro-size and nano-size lead oxide particles at different weight percentage were prepared. It's found that a significant agreement between the experimental result and theoretical result from Xcom program. The effect on attenuation property of SR-PbO shown that the increase of PbO filler significantly increases the linear attenuation coeffcient and improve the other radiation protection parameters especially at low gamma energy. The efect on attenuation property of SR-PbO shown that the increase of PbO fller signifcantly increases the linear attenuation coefcient and improve the other radiation protection parameters especially at low gamma energy. The radiation attenuation test was carried out using 3 3 NaI (TI) detector for (Am241), (Cs-137), (Co-60), (Ba-133), and (Eu-152). The morphological structure of PbO/SR composites was investigated by SEM test, according to SEM images the nano PbO particles are more uniform micro PbO particles. It was prepared using dimethyl polysiloxane (silicon rubber) mixed with micro- and nano-sized lead oxide particles at varying weight percentages. It was prepared using dimethyl polysiloxane(silicon rubber) mixed with nano-and micro-sized lead oxide particles at different weight percentages.
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1 In this study it's found matrix filled with nano-PbO have higher gamma shielding ability compared to micro-PbO matrix at the same filler concentration. 2 The linear attenuation coeffcient LAC is the main parameter used in this study that using to evaluate the effciency of the radiation protection material. 3 Strain relationship and was observed from the dynamic compressive test of free silicone rubber relatively poor compared to flled samples, where nano composites are better stress efect than micro composites in the same concentration. 4 It represents in case of 20 wt% and 50 wt% nano fller sample, PbO nanoparticle is distributed homogeneous, which increase interpenetration between SR and PbO nano particle. 5 By using catalyzed crosslinking reactions silicon are converted to elastomeric solid structure about 2 wt% stifener was added to polymer liquid. 6 Silicon rubber was used as a polymer where the original state is liquid. 7 Because of the low electron density of nanomaterial compared to bulk materials, high-Z nanoparticles added nanomaterial will produce comparatively low bremsstrahlung, optimize mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the silicon matrix compared to the bulk material. 8 However, the use of gamma rays not only damage, cancer cells, but also healthy cells is killed through the process which called organs at risk. 9 It can say that SR-nano PbO has a higher radiation protection than SR-micro PbO compositions. 10 Dimethyl polysiloxane (Silicon Rubber) Mixed with micro-size and nano-size lead oxide particles at different weight percentage were prepared. 11 It's found that a significant agreement between the experimental result and theoretical result from Xcom program. 12 The effect on attenuation property of SR-PbO shown that the increase of PbO filler significantly increases the linear attenuation coeffcient and improve the other radiation protection parameters especially at low gamma energy. 13 The efect on attenuation property of SR-PbO shown that the increase of PbO fller signifcantly increases the linear attenuation coefcient and improve the other radiation protection parameters especially at low gamma energy. 14 The radiation attenuation test was carried out using 3 3 NaI (TI) detector for (Am241), (Cs-137), (Co-60), (Ba-133), and (Eu-152). 15 The morphological structure of PbO/SR composites was investigated by SEM test, according to SEM images the nano PbO particles are more uniform micro PbO particles. 16 It was prepared using dimethyl polysiloxane (silicon rubber) mixed with micro- and nano-sized lead oxide particles at varying weight percentages. 17 It was prepared using dimethyl polysiloxane(silicon rubber) mixed with nano-and micro-sized lead oxide particles at different weight percentages.