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제목 없음
On a space walk in 1965, astronaut Edward White dropped his glove. It then circled Earth for a month at an amazing speed. Ever since the beginning of the " Space Age " in 1957, similar incidents have been occurring. Thousands of pieces of space junk were created when China destroyed a non - working satellite in 2009, and thousands more the following year when two satellites collided. In fact, outer space is starting to resemble a huge garbage dump. Today there are more than half a million pieces of garbage in space. Some bits of garbage are as small as a screw; others are large pieces of metal. What makes space junk so dangerous is a spacecraft's incredible speed in orbit - an average of 28,000 km per hour. In fact, a tiny piece of paint dust from a satellite once made a small hole in a spacecraft's window. Larger objects could seriously threaten the lives of astronauts in a spacecraft or the International Space Station. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse, not better. Scientists warn NASA that by the middle of this century, there may be so much space junk that space travel will become too dangerous. And the risk is not only to astronauts. Space junk can also be dangerous if it falls back to Earth. A falling piece of space garbage actually killed a cow in Australia in 1979. But unlike dealing with garbage on Earth, there is no simple solution for cleaning up space junk. Currently, there are several projects being developed to help clean up space junk. However, it is equally important to find a way to limit the amount of garbage left in space in the future. There are no rules to deal with space junk at present, but people now realize that keeping space clean is as important as keeping our streets clean.
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1 On a space walk in 1965, astronaut Edward White dropped his glove. 2 It then circled Earth for a month at an amazing speed. 3 Ever since the beginning of the " Space Age " in 1957, similar incidents have been occurring. 4 Thousands of pieces of space junk were created when China destroyed a non - working satellite in 2009, and thousands more the following year when two satellites collided. 5 In fact, outer space is starting to resemble a huge garbage dump. 6 Today there are more than half a million pieces of garbage in space. 7 Some bits of garbage are as small as a screw; others are large pieces of metal. 8 What makes space junk so dangerous is a spacecraft's incredible speed in orbit - an average of 28,000 km per hour. 9 In fact, a tiny piece of paint dust from a satellite once made a small hole in a spacecraft's window. 10 Larger objects could seriously threaten the lives of astronauts in a spacecraft or the International Space Station. 11 Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse, not better. 12 Scientists warn NASA that by the middle of this century, there may be so much space junk that space travel will become too dangerous. 13 And the risk is not only to astronauts. 14 Space junk can also be dangerous if it falls back to Earth. 15 A falling piece of space garbage actually killed a cow in Australia in 1979. 16 But unlike dealing with garbage on Earth, there is no simple solution for cleaning up space junk. 17 Currently, there are several projects being developed to help clean up space junk. 18 However, it is equally important to find a way to limit the amount of garbage left in space in the future. 19 There are no rules to deal with space junk at present, but people now realize that keeping space clean is as important as keeping our streets clean.