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지문 분석결과
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In her experiments, the plants that were exposed to classical and Indian sitar music leaned toward the speakers and began to grow and flourish. Plants exposed to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin grew gangly, leaning 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers. Plants exposed to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin grew gangly, leaning 30 to 70 degrees away from the speaker. You may have plants that are not doing well in your home or garden. There are many ways to put these findings to work on your own plants and pets. In Merrell's experiment, the hard rock-exposed mice took 30 minutes to complete the maze and began exhibiting cannibalistic behavior toward one another. The same study by Bird and Schreckenberg showed that mice exposed to voodoo drumming performed increasingly worse over time as the exposure to the voodoo music continued. A study done by the University of Belfast's psychology department in 1997 produced results indicating that dogs exposed to classical music were more relaxed and rested for longer periods than dogs exposed to no music or heavy metal music. Upon exposing the mice to these sounds, the scientists tested their ability to navigate a maze. One study, done by physicist Harvey Bird and neurobiologist Gervasia Schreckenberg, exposed groups of mice to the sound of traditional voodoo drumming, Strauss waltzes and silence. This experiment proved that too much music, no matter the type, can harm plants more than no music at all. Retallack's experiments on tones showed that plants exposed to the same tone continuously, died, while plants exposed three hours a day flourished, even more so than plants not subjected to any tone. Retallack's experiment also determined how plants reacted to hard rock music, especially music containing a lot of heavy drum beats. In the 1950s, Eugene Canby of Canada began experimenting on the effects of violin music on wheat crops, discovering that wheat crops exposed to violin sonatas increased their yield by 66 percent. Therefore, choosing music that benefits your plants and animals might help you grow better plants and have calmer pets. Mice that listened to Strauss navigated the maze more quickly than mice that were exposed to silence. Eventually they became disoriented and were unable to finish the maze. Plants exposed to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin grew gangly, leaning 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers, and their leaves became weak and their blossoms drooped. If you have a dog or cat that seems nervous when left home alone, trying turning your radio to the classical station when you are away. Try playing classical music to your plants a few hours a day. Mice that listened to Strauss navigated the maze more quickly. You will know the music is working if your plants begin to flourish and their stems reach toward the radio, as if reaching toward the sun.
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1 In her experiments, the plants that were exposed to classical and Indian sitar music leaned toward the speakers and began to grow and flourish. 2 Plants exposed to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin grew gangly, leaning 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers. 3 Plants exposed to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin grew gangly, leaning 30 to 70 degrees away from the speaker. 4 You may have plants that are not doing well in your home or garden. 5 There are many ways to put these findings to work on your own plants and pets. 6 In Merrell's experiment, the hard rock-exposed mice took 30 minutes to complete the maze and began exhibiting cannibalistic behavior toward one another. 7 The same study by Bird and Schreckenberg showed that mice exposed to voodoo drumming performed increasingly worse over time as the exposure to the voodoo music continued. 8 A study done by the University of Belfast's psychology department in 1997 produced results indicating that dogs exposed to classical music were more relaxed and rested for longer periods than dogs exposed to no music or heavy metal music. 9 Upon exposing the mice to these sounds, the scientists tested their ability to navigate a maze. 10 One study, done by physicist Harvey Bird and neurobiologist Gervasia Schreckenberg, exposed groups of mice to the sound of traditional voodoo drumming, Strauss waltzes and silence. 11 This experiment proved that too much music, no matter the type, can harm plants more than no music at all. 12 Retallack's experiments on tones showed that plants exposed to the same tone continuously, died, while plants exposed three hours a day flourished, even more so than plants not subjected to any tone. 13 Retallack's experiment also determined how plants reacted to hard rock music, especially music containing a lot of heavy drum beats. 14 In the 1950s, Eugene Canby of Canada began experimenting on the effects of violin music on wheat crops, discovering that wheat crops exposed to violin sonatas increased their yield by 66 percent. 15 Therefore, choosing music that benefits your plants and animals might help you grow better plants and have calmer pets. 16 Mice that listened to Strauss navigated the maze more quickly than mice that were exposed to silence. 17 Eventually they became disoriented and were unable to finish the maze. 18 Plants exposed to Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin grew gangly, leaning 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers, and their leaves became weak and their blossoms drooped. 19 If you have a dog or cat that seems nervous when left home alone, trying turning your radio to the classical station when you are away. 20 Try playing classical music to your plants a few hours a day. 21 Mice that listened to Strauss navigated the maze more quickly. 22 You will know the music is working if your plants begin to flourish and their stems reach toward the radio, as if reaching toward the sun.