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지금필수 고등 영어영역 종합실전(2020) Part1 12~17강, Part2 1~3강
지금필수 고등 영어영역 종합실전(2020) Part1 12~17강, Part2 1~3강
지금필수 고등 영어영역 종합실전(2020) Part1 12~17강, Part2 1~3강
PART01 16강 - 실전 독해 연습
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
PART01 16강 - 실전 독해 연습
Once I heard from a teacher and actress how, amid grief and depression, the sight of an odd little barking dog in a park gave her an emotional lift. This kind of dog usually drove her crazy, but somehow in her gloomy depression its relentless vitality and absurd little orneriness brought her a smile, ironic humor, even consolation. On a more everyday level, probably most of us associate comfort with that feeling of security that comes with familiarity. Much of life means wrestling with the new, the strange, the unfamiliar — learning a new job, navigating new places, parents trying to understand the rules of their children's very different world. It is only natural to want a "comfort zone" around us — familiar household objects, food, habits, places, people — to help us face what we are unfamiliar with. Extremes of unfamiliarity reinforce the point. People gone to war hold onto photographs of their loved ones. In addition, refugees and exiles will long for things from back home — the food, seasonal weather, family parties. The more alien the circumstances, the more important these details become. A priest friend of mine on sabbatical in Ghana in West Africa somehow unearthed a box of Frosted Flakes cereal and dug into it with animal lust. As life presents us with the dark sea of the novel and uncomfortable, touching base with what we know well feels ever calming. As a result, comfortable has come to serve as almost a synonym for familiar — the comfortable old house, our comfortable old vacation spot, my favorite comfortable chair.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 Once I heard from a teacher and actress how, amid grief and depression, the sight of an odd little barking dog in a park gave her an emotional lift. 2 This kind of dog usually drove her crazy, but somehow in her gloomy depression its relentless vitality and absurd little orneriness brought her a smile, ironic humor, even consolation. 3 On a more everyday level, probably most of us associate comfort with that feeling of security that comes with familiarity. 4 Much of life means wrestling with the new, the strange, the unfamiliar — learning a new job, navigating new places, parents trying to understand the rules of their children's very different world. 5 It is only natural to want a "comfort zone" around us — familiar household objects, food, habits, places, people — to help us face what we are unfamiliar with. 6 Extremes of unfamiliarity reinforce the point. 7 People gone to war hold onto photographs of their loved ones. 8 In addition, refugees and exiles will long for things from back home — the food, seasonal weather, family parties. 9 The more alien the circumstances, the more important these details become. 10 A priest friend of mine on sabbatical in Ghana in West Africa somehow unearthed a box of Frosted Flakes cereal and dug into it with animal lust. 11 As life presents us with the dark sea of the novel and uncomfortable, touching base with what we know well feels ever calming. 12 As a result, comfortable has come to serve as almost a synonym for familiar — the comfortable old house, our comfortable old vacation spot, my favorite comfortable chair.