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지금필수 고등 영어영역 종합실전(2020) Part1 12~17강, Part2 1~3강
지금필수 고등 영어영역 종합실전(2020) Part1 12~17강, Part2 1~3강
지금필수 고등 영어영역 종합실전(2020) Part1 12~17강, Part2 1~3강
PART01 17강 - 실전 독해 연습
문장 선택
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PART01 17강 - 실전 독해 연습
Once a rich man had a spoiled son who used to spend lavishly. The father wanted to teach his son the important lesson of hard work. Accordingly he told his son to earn a rupee at all costs, without which he would not be given food. The son went to his mother and narrated the condition laid by his father and managed to get one rupee from her. In the evening when the father asked his son for his earning, he produced one rupee. The father told him to throw the coin in the well and the son gladly did it. The same instruction was given next day. The boy went to his elder sister and started weeping about his father's harsh instructions. His sister also eventually gave him a one rupee coin. When the father came home in the evening, the boy showed the coin to his father, who again told him to throw this coin also into the well. The boy happily threw the coin into the well. This made the father suspicious, and soon he learned the truth from his daughter. The father instructed everybody to cooperate with him. The next morning the father again told his son to go and earn if he wanted food. This time nobody in the family gave him money. As the evening approached, the boy grew desperate, knowing his father would soon be back. He went out of the house and wandered unknowingly towards the railway station, where he saw an old man waiting for a coolie. The boy, having no alternative, offered to carry his luggage in return for some money. The boy's body was soon aching from this unaccustomed exercise. However, he managed to get the luggage settled in the train, and was given a fifty paisa coin for his labour. When he reached home, his father asked, "Did you earn something today?" The boy showed him the fifty paisa coin, and the father told him to throw the coin into the well. The boy, however, resisted this time. "I suffered so much pain to earn this coin." "Will I throw away my earnings?" The father said, "Son, I wanted you to realize that money is earned with hard work." "And hard earned money makes one appreciate its value."
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1 Once a rich man had a spoiled son who used to spend lavishly. 2 The father wanted to teach his son the important lesson of hard work. 3 Accordingly he told his son to earn a rupee at all costs, without which he would not be given food. 4 The son went to his mother and narrated the condition laid by his father and managed to get one rupee from her. 5 In the evening when the father asked his son for his earning, he produced one rupee. 6 The father told him to throw the coin in the well and the son gladly did it. 7 The same instruction was given next day. 8 The boy went to his elder sister and started weeping about his father's harsh instructions. 9 His sister also eventually gave him a one rupee coin. 10 When the father came home in the evening, the boy showed the coin to his father, who again told him to throw this coin also into the well. 11 The boy happily threw the coin into the well. 12 This made the father suspicious, and soon he learned the truth from his daughter. 13 The father instructed everybody to cooperate with him. 14 The next morning the father again told his son to go and earn if he wanted food. 15 This time nobody in the family gave him money. 16 As the evening approached, the boy grew desperate, knowing his father would soon be back. 17 He went out of the house and wandered unknowingly towards the railway station, where he saw an old man waiting for a coolie. 18 The boy, having no alternative, offered to carry his luggage in return for some money. 19 The boy's body was soon aching from this unaccustomed exercise. 20 However, he managed to get the luggage settled in the train, and was given a fifty paisa coin for his labour. 21 When he reached home, his father asked, "Did you earn something today?" 22 The boy showed him the fifty paisa coin, and the father told him to throw the coin into the well. 23 The boy, however, resisted this time. 24 "I suffered so much pain to earn this coin." 25 "Will I throw away my earnings?" 26 The father said, "Son, I wanted you to realize that money is earned with hard work." 27 "And hard earned money makes one appreciate its value."