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They committed to mobilising all efforts towards the transformation of food systems to ensure a better future for everyone. This is because our global food systems are the source of nearly one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. We need to redouble our efforts to boost agricultural yields through sustainable agricultural practices to enhance food security while minimising negative environmental impacts. During the Africa Food Systems (AFS) Forum in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in early September, there was unanimous agreement that key solutions that exist must be scaled up to accelerate food systems transformation in Africa. Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world's freshwater resources, one of the main contributors to greenhouse gases, and more than one-quarter of the energy used globally is consumed on food production and supply. There was also recognition of the powerful role of sustainable, equitable, healthy, and resilient food systems in getting the world back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. During the UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment, convened by the UN Secretary-General and hosted by Italy last July in Rome, there was unanimous acknowledgement of the challenges faeing our failing food systems. Additionally, food insecurity has increased significantly from 25.3% of the global population in 2019 to 29.6% in 2022. These numbers denote that, since 2015, the rise in the number of undernourished people in the world has eroded practically all progress that had been made during the preceding decade. The 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report by FAO put the global hunger figures for 2022 between 691m and 783m people. The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with other crises such as climate change and armed conflict, are having widespread impacts on all dimensions of the 2030 Agenda, including poverty, food security and nutrition, health, and the environment. In this second half of the SDGs countdown to 2030, the headwinds are strong, and we need to double our effort. The latest data by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) indicate that most of the food and agriculture-related SDG targets are still far from being achieved. This implies that, working towards the adaptation of food systems to climate change. Sustainable food systems cut across the achievement of all the SDGs. At the same time, food systems are, and will be, among the hardest hit by climate change, thus, food systems transformation requires integration with our efforts to address elimate change. However, current agricultural practices and systems are depleting our natural resources.
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1 They committed to mobilising all efforts towards the transformation of food systems to ensure a better future for everyone. 2 This is because our global food systems are the source of nearly one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. 3 We need to redouble our efforts to boost agricultural yields through sustainable agricultural practices to enhance food security while minimising negative environmental impacts. 4 During the Africa Food Systems (AFS) Forum in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in early September, there was unanimous agreement that key solutions that exist must be scaled up to accelerate food systems transformation in Africa. 5 Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world's freshwater resources, one of the main contributors to greenhouse gases, and more than one-quarter of the energy used globally is consumed on food production and supply. 6 There was also recognition of the powerful role of sustainable, equitable, healthy, and resilient food systems in getting the world back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. 7 During the UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment, convened by the UN Secretary-General and hosted by Italy last July in Rome, there was unanimous acknowledgement of the challenges faeing our failing food systems. 8 Additionally, food insecurity has increased significantly from 25.3% of the global population in 2019 to 29.6% in 2022. 9 These numbers denote that, since 2015, the rise in the number of undernourished people in the world has eroded practically all progress that had been made during the preceding decade. 10 The 2023 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report by FAO put the global hunger figures for 2022 between 691m and 783m people. 11 The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with other crises such as climate change and armed conflict, are having widespread impacts on all dimensions of the 2030 Agenda, including poverty, food security and nutrition, health, and the environment. 12 In this second half of the SDGs countdown to 2030, the headwinds are strong, and we need to double our effort. 13 The latest data by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) indicate that most of the food and agriculture-related SDG targets are still far from being achieved. 14 This implies that, working towards the adaptation of food systems to climate change. 15 Sustainable food systems cut across the achievement of all the SDGs. 16 At the same time, food systems are, and will be, among the hardest hit by climate change, thus, food systems transformation requires integration with our efforts to address elimate change. 17 However, current agricultural practices and systems are depleting our natural resources.