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토익 기출 토익 기출
토익 기출
토익 기출
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t1. 191-195
Anton Building Clanton (12 October)_-The planned renovation of the historic Anton Building by Jantuni Property Developers (JPD) is facing new delays. A JPD spokesperson says their negotiations with the city regarding a package of subsidies and tax incentives are ongoing and are proving somewhat contentious. According to the renovation plan, JPD must protect the historical integrity of the Anton Building while it creates a mixed-use interior, offering both office space and lower-level retail space. However, JD's city permit to do the project is on hold pending the current negotiations. This is making city revitalization advocates increasingly anxious. Aditi Yadav comments, "This plan to create useful space out of an empty decaying building will go a long way to restoring vibrancy to that area of the city. I sincerely hope that JPD does not back out. In creating their offer, the City Council should consider JD's excellent record of beautifully restoring and maintaining several other historic buildings in Clanton." I am the owner of Lenoiva, a health-care technology company. We plan to expand our operations and we need new office space. The Anton Building is one of the locations in Clanton that we are considering. We have been informed that your restoration project of this building will be finished sometime this spring, which is good timing for us. We are particularly attracted by the easy access to public transportation services that your building offers. Do you still have spaces available for rent? We anticipate needing a space at least 300 square metres in size. Would there be any reserved parking for our employees if we rented there? We would appreciate any information you can provide.
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1 Anton Building Clanton (12 October)_-The planned renovation of the historic Anton Building by Jantuni Property Developers (JPD) is facing new delays. 2 A JPD spokesperson says their negotiations with the city regarding a package of subsidies and tax incentives are ongoing and are proving somewhat contentious. 3 According to the renovation plan, JPD must protect the historical integrity of the Anton Building while it creates a mixed-use interior, offering both office space and lower-level retail space. 4 However, JD's city permit to do the project is on hold pending the current negotiations. 5 This is making city revitalization advocates increasingly anxious. 6 Aditi Yadav comments, "This plan to create useful space out of an empty decaying building will go a long way to restoring vibrancy to that area of the city. 7 I sincerely hope that JPD does not back out. 8 In creating their offer, the City Council should consider JD's excellent record of beautifully restoring and maintaining several other historic buildings in Clanton." 9 I am the owner of Lenoiva, a health-care technology company. 10 We plan to expand our operations and we need new office space. 11 The Anton Building is one of the locations in Clanton that we are considering. 12 We have been informed that your restoration project of this building will be finished sometime this spring, which is good timing for us. 13 We are particularly attracted by the easy access to public transportation services that your building offers. 14 Do you still have spaces available for rent? 15 We anticipate needing a space at least 300 square metres in size. 16 Would there be any reserved parking for our employees if we rented there? 17 We would appreciate any information you can provide.