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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
수능지문 문법 - 관계사
수능지문 문법 - 관계사
수능지문 문법 - 관계사
관계대명사 that (주격 2)
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
관계대명사 that (주격 2)
The breathtaking scene that surrounded them was beyond description. Their biggest fears are high fees for a case that may take years to settle. Issues that can be expressed in quantitative, measurable units are easy to slice. For example, upon returning to their hive honeybees that have collected water search out a receiver bee to unload their water to within the hive. Cells that help your hand muscles reach out to an object need to know the size and location of the object, but they don't need to know about color. For example, energy efficiency requirements for appliances may produce goods that work less well or that have characteristics that consumers do not want. Decades ago, it was unusual for Earth scientists to have results that were of interest to the media, and consequently few media contacts were expected or encouraged. If the baby water flea is developing into an adult in water that includes the chemical signatures of creatures that prey on water fleas, it develops a helmet and spines to defend itself against predators. Occasionally, however, a mutation may occur that increases the fitness of the organism, just as an accidental failure to reproduce the text of the first edition might provide more accurate or updated information. In these and other instances of contingency pricing, the economic value of the service is hard to determine before the service, and providers develop a price that allows them to share the risks and rewards of delivering value to the buyer.
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지문에 사용된 특정 문장에 대한 궁금증은 해당 문장의 헬프fico쌤에 등록하는 것이 좋습니다.
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fico 문장 분석
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list_alt해석 목록
여러 AI의 해석들을 제공해 드립니다.
inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 The breathtaking scene that surrounded them was beyond description. 2 Their biggest fears are high fees for a case that may take years to settle. 3 Issues that can be expressed in quantitative, measurable units are easy to slice. 4 For example, upon returning to their hive honeybees that have collected water search out a receiver bee to unload their water to within the hive. 5 Cells that help your hand muscles reach out to an object need to know the size and location of the object, but they don't need to know about color. 6 For example, energy efficiency requirements for appliances may produce goods that work less well or that have characteristics that consumers do not want. 7 Decades ago, it was unusual for Earth scientists to have results that were of interest to the media, and consequently few media contacts were expected or encouraged. 8 If the baby water flea is developing into an adult in water that includes the chemical signatures of creatures that prey on water fleas, it develops a helmet and spines to defend itself against predators. 9 Occasionally, however, a mutation may occur that increases the fitness of the organism, just as an accidental failure to reproduce the text of the first edition might provide more accurate or updated information. 10 In these and other instances of contingency pricing, the economic value of the service is hard to determine before the service, and providers develop a price that allows them to share the risks and rewards of delivering value to the buyer.