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EBS 수능특강 영어(2026학년도) Part 1 유형편 4권
EBS 수능특강 영어(2026학년도) Part 1 유형편 4권
EBS 수능특강 영어(2026학년도) Part 1 유형편 4권
19 장문 독해 (1) 07~08
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19 장문 독해 (1) 07~08
To the casual observer, the rain forests of Southeast Asia about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago would have looked pretty much like the rain forests before and afterward — lots of palms and thorn-covered plants in the lower canopy, and dense trees of all shapes and sizes reaching to the sky. But to the eyes of researchers looking into the former forests via pollen analysis, digging into the soils, and reconstructing past landscapes, a pattern emerges: The plant species that make up the forests are shifting in frequency and density. Certain palms and fruiting trees and climbing plants are becoming more common, others are moving from one type of growth pattern to another, and others are simply disappearing. One expects these types of change in forest structure as climates change and sea levels rise and drop — but these changes in Southeast Asian forests are not clearly linked to the climate. Something else started to shape the way the forests look and work. Guess who. The genus Homo had been living in and around the forests of Southeast Asia for hundreds of thousands of years without changing the ecology much, but by at least 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, humans started targeting certain types of trees, favoring them and their fruits, nuts, and leaves or using their bark or their long, dense, threadlike stems. Moving small climbing vines or pulling out competing young trees that inhibited their access to the trees opened up new space for growth and reproduction for humans' favorites. People might even have defended certain trees against other animals and kept birds out during the fruiting season.
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1 To the casual observer, the rain forests of Southeast Asia about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago would have looked pretty much like the rain forests before and afterward — lots of palms and thorn-covered plants in the lower canopy, and dense trees of all shapes and sizes reaching to the sky. 2 But to the eyes of researchers looking into the former forests via pollen analysis, digging into the soils, and reconstructing past landscapes, a pattern emerges: The plant species that make up the forests are shifting in frequency and density. 3 Certain palms and fruiting trees and climbing plants are becoming more common, others are moving from one type of growth pattern to another, and others are simply disappearing. 4 One expects these types of change in forest structure as climates change and sea levels rise and drop — but these changes in Southeast Asian forests are not clearly linked to the climate. 5 Something else started to shape the way the forests look and work. 6 Guess who. 7 The genus Homo had been living in and around the forests of Southeast Asia for hundreds of thousands of years without changing the ecology much, but by at least 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, humans started targeting certain types of trees, favoring them and their fruits, nuts, and leaves or using their bark or their long, dense, threadlike stems. 8 Moving small climbing vines or pulling out competing young trees that inhibited their access to the trees opened up new space for growth and reproduction for humans' favorites. 9 People might even have defended certain trees against other animals and kept birds out during the fruiting season.