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EBS 수능특강 영어(2026학년도) Part 3 테스트편 2권
EBS 수능특강 영어(2026학년도) Part 3 테스트편 2권
EBS 수능특강 영어(2026학년도) Part 3 테스트편 2권
26~28 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
26~28 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Once upon a time, there was a man named Alma who was very helpful, kindhearted, and generous. Alma would help anyone without asking for anything in return. He did it simply because he wanted to and loved to help others. One day while walking into a dusty road, Alma saw a purse, so he picked it up and noticed that it was empty. Suddenly, a woman showed up with a police officer and accused him of stealing her purse. The woman grabbed the purse from him, opened it up, and saw that it was empty. Then she demanded that Alma tell her where he had hidden her money, but he replied, "It was empty when I found it, ma'am." The woman yelled at him, demanding, "Give my money back!" "It's for my son's school fees." Alma noticed the woman was in a very stressful situation, so he handed her all his money. "Take this," he said, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." The woman left, but the police officer held him for further questioning. The woman was very happy, but later, when she counted her money, she was shocked to find it doubled. A few days later, on her way to her son's school to pay the school fees, she noticed a skinny man walking behind her. She thought that he might rob her, so she approached a police officer standing nearby. Coincidentally, it was the same police officer from a few days earlier, when she had lost her purse. The woman told him about the man following her. She pointed out the man, whom they approached together. Surprisingly, it was the same man who gave the woman back her purse a few days before. The woman was puzzled to see Alma again. The police officer said to the woman, "He didn't return your money." "He gave you his money that day." "He wasn't the thief, but upon hearing about your son's school fees, he felt sad and gave you his money." Then, Alma smiled and told the woman, "Please go ahead and pay your son's school fees." "I saw you by chance and decided to follow you to make sure that no one stole your money." The woman was speechless.
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1 Once upon a time, there was a man named Alma who was very helpful, kindhearted, and generous. 2 Alma would help anyone without asking for anything in return. 3 He did it simply because he wanted to and loved to help others. 4 One day while walking into a dusty road, Alma saw a purse, so he picked it up and noticed that it was empty. 5 Suddenly, a woman showed up with a police officer and accused him of stealing her purse. 6 The woman grabbed the purse from him, opened it up, and saw that it was empty. 7 Then she demanded that Alma tell her where he had hidden her money, but he replied, "It was empty when I found it, ma'am." 8 The woman yelled at him, demanding, "Give my money back!" 9 "It's for my son's school fees." 10 Alma noticed the woman was in a very stressful situation, so he handed her all his money. 11 "Take this," he said, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." 12 The woman left, but the police officer held him for further questioning. 13 The woman was very happy, but later, when she counted her money, she was shocked to find it doubled. 14 A few days later, on her way to her son's school to pay the school fees, she noticed a skinny man walking behind her. 15 She thought that he might rob her, so she approached a police officer standing nearby. 16 Coincidentally, it was the same police officer from a few days earlier, when she had lost her purse. 17 The woman told him about the man following her. 18 She pointed out the man, whom they approached together. 19 Surprisingly, it was the same man who gave the woman back her purse a few days before. 20 The woman was puzzled to see Alma again. 21 The police officer said to the woman, "He didn't return your money." 22 "He gave you his money that day." 23 "He wasn't the thief, but upon hearing about your son's school fees, he felt sad and gave you his money." 24 Then, Alma smiled and told the woman, "Please go ahead and pay your son's school fees." 25 "I saw you by chance and decided to follow you to make sure that no one stole your money." 26 The woman was speechless.