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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
수능특강 Q 고등 영어영역 영어 jump 미니모의고사(2021) 01~03회
수능특강 Q 고등 영어영역 영어 jump 미니모의고사(2021) 01~03회
수능특강 Q 고등 영어영역 영어 jump 미니모의고사(2021) 01~03회
02회 - 8~10
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
02회 - 8~10
During the past year, Justin Horner, a graphic designer in Portland, Oregon, experienced bad car trouble three times. Each time, he says that he was "disgusted" that so many people would not stop to help him. Eventually, however, in each case someone did stop to help him. He says, "But you know who came to my rescue all three times?" "Immigrants." "Mexican immigrants." "None of them spoke any [or hardly any] English." For example, once he had a blowout but no car jack. He put up big signs in the car that said "NEED A JACK." A man with a family stopped, and the man said that his jack was too small for the Jeep, and so they would have to brace the Jeep. The man had a saw, and he used it to cut away part of a log on the side of the road so they could use it as a brace. Unfortunately, Mr. Horner broke the head off the man's tire iron. The man gave the tire iron to his wife, and she took it and walked off to buy a new tire iron. She returned in 15 minutes, and her husband and Mr. Horner finished changing the tire. Altogether, it was a two-hour job. Mr. Horner tried to give the man $20, but since he would not take it, he quietly gave it to the man's wife. Mr. Horner found out that the family lived in Mexico and were in Oregon to pick cherries and peaches before returning home. The family's little girl asked if he had eaten lunch. He had not, so the little girl brought him a tamale. Inside the foil of the tamale was the $20 bill that Mr. Horner had given the man's wife. Again, the man refused to take the $20 bill, and summoning up his English, said, "Today you, tomorrow me." Mr. Horner says, "In the several months since then I've changed a couple of tires, given a few rides to gas stations and once drove 50 miles out of my way to get a girl to an airport." "I won't accept money." "But every time I'm able to help, I feel as if I'm putting something in the bank."
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 During the past year, Justin Horner, a graphic designer in Portland, Oregon, experienced bad car trouble three times. 2 Each time, he says that he was "disgusted" that so many people would not stop to help him. 3 Eventually, however, in each case someone did stop to help him. 4 He says, "But you know who came to my rescue all three times?" 5 "Immigrants." 6 "Mexican immigrants." 7 "None of them spoke any [or hardly any] English." 8 For example, once he had a blowout but no car jack. 9 He put up big signs in the car that said "NEED A JACK." 10 A man with a family stopped, and the man said that his jack was too small for the Jeep, and so they would have to brace the Jeep. 11 The man had a saw, and he used it to cut away part of a log on the side of the road so they could use it as a brace. 12 Unfortunately, Mr. Horner broke the head off the man's tire iron. 13 The man gave the tire iron to his wife, and she took it and walked off to buy a new tire iron. 14 She returned in 15 minutes, and her husband and Mr. Horner finished changing the tire. 15 Altogether, it was a two-hour job. 16 Mr. Horner tried to give the man $20, but since he would not take it, he quietly gave it to the man's wife. 17 Mr. Horner found out that the family lived in Mexico and were in Oregon to pick cherries and peaches before returning home. 18 The family's little girl asked if he had eaten lunch. 19 He had not, so the little girl brought him a tamale. 20 Inside the foil of the tamale was the $20 bill that Mr. Horner had given the man's wife. 21 Again, the man refused to take the $20 bill, and summoning up his English, said, "Today you, tomorrow me." 22 Mr. Horner says, "In the several months since then I've changed a couple of tires, given a few rides to gas stations and once drove 50 miles out of my way to get a girl to an airport." 23 "I won't accept money." 24 "But every time I'm able to help, I feel as if I'm putting something in the bank."